BOTW Weekly Results Round L Light/Lite

15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
Apologies to anyone I may offend...

The competition is already difficult enough to manage as it is.

It is 2016. Email works. If you haven't noticed that you've unsent drafts over several days then you're still fortunate to be employed in 95% of jobs. Seriously, email doesn't go bat **** just because there's a picture of a beer in it.

Insecure entrants (including myself from time to time) ask DJ is he has the email. People in my office do this occasionally, despite them sitting just a few feet away from me. We all know these people yet we still do it ourselves from time to time. If you're not sure, ask. The 'Rounds entered' list is also kept up to date.

The competition entries are the equivalent of getting your round in - make sure it happens, and your round isn't over until everyone's got their beer.

:) (mini) rant over. Just have a drink and get over it, and let DJ enjoy his.
13 Nov 2012
I have been nothing but respectful toward DJ.

I wrote the email, attached the photo, sent the email and assumed it was gone. Maybe I should have checked but I haven't had a problem so far. Something happened that I can't explain and I agree that it's 0 points due to whatever happened after I pressed send. It didn't send.

My last post wasn't to guilt DJ into giving me points, but people saying I forgot annoyed me, not their fault, but because I know I did what I do every week and entered my beer.

I'm over it now, bring on next week.
15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
I know mate - it happens, let's move on. It's like that amazing girl you speak to on your way to the loo when you're out with your mates. She tells you her number, you're committed and will call her the next day once you've finished the beer session with your friends. And then the next day you realise you didn't write it down and your hand is a smudge of biro and IPA, and you curse the £500 super computer phone in your pocket that didn't help you :)
13 Nov 2012
I know mate - it happens, let's move on. It's like that amazing girl you speak to on your way to the loo when you're out with your mates. She tells you her number, you're committed and will call her the next day once you've finished the beer session with your friends. And then the next day you realise you didn't write it down and your hand is a smudge of biro and IPA, and you curse the £500 super computer phone in your pocket that didn't help you :)

I can only see it as either my expensive macbook doesn't like my drinking emails or my brain doesn't like my drinking :) either way, one of them screwed me over this week :p
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