Brainy but hot female presenters

Don't recall CV having those curves, she been and had a BBL?

She's probably had everything you could have which is an instant put off in my books. I used to like her in early Countdown days - brainy and quite shy. Now she's just brash and annoying.
What do you mean 'in character'?

Well Diane Morgan is nice too

Well, that, really. Do you just fancy Diane Morgan or would you rather have her in character as Philomena during your hypothetical dinner date / horizontal tango? I have a slight man-crush on Charlie Brooker as a writer and as he essentially writes her words I guess I might prompt for the latter for the giggles! :p
She's probably had everything you could have which is an instant put off in my books. I used to like her in early Countdown days - brainy and quite shy. Now she's just brash and annoying.

I’m the opposite. Cosmetic surgery looks great if done correctly and not over the top.

CV was not sexy at all in her early days. Huge improvement now. Money well spent!

If you don’t like cosmetic surgery that rules out pretty much most celeb women as they are all having it done in one way or another.


This clears things up!

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Also, presenter and pundit from Channel 4 F1, Lee McKenzie and Susie Wolff. Susie is pretty hot.
And I always liked Claire Williams who runs the Williams team.
Also, presenter and pundit from Channel 4 F1, Lee McKenzie and Susie Wolff. Susie is pretty hot.
And I always liked Claire Williams who runs the Williams team.

I have a massive crush on Lee, such a gorgeous smile and a glint in her eye. It was a bit odd at the British Grand Prix, where her top looked very much on the verge of being lingerie-like!

Can we include YouTube presenters? Amy Shira Teitel does a really good space blog channel
I have a massive crush on Lee, such a gorgeous smile and a glint in her eye. It was a bit odd at the British Grand Prix, where her top looked very much on the verge of being lingerie-like!

Can we include YouTube presenters? Amy Shira Teitel does a really good space blog channel

Vettel is also very fond of her:

Forgot Miranda Krestovnikoff, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Jo Dunkley, Sarah Bohndiek (oxford professor), Aurora Simionescu and for an older lady .. Lisa Randall (prof physics at harvard), Cerenza Lewis when she was on time team (and I was still at school).

I find Helen Czerski a bit like a female Brian Cox when she presents..

There's lots of smart women around.. Jo Dunkley (at oxford then) presented at the 2015 astrofest.. she kept looking at me and smiling all through the talk .. very attractive :D but I held up my hand to my head with my wedding ring on just to be clear....
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