Probably get a few 'you're kidding right?' and I'm almost embarrassed to admit, but when she had long hair and was younger, ie, apprentice days, I found Katie Hopkins quite hot.
You do realise that you can Google for Hot Nazi Girls if that's your thing?
You do realise that you can Google for Hot Nazi Girls if that's your thing?
Well, that's sullied this thread
And I always liked Claire Williams who runs the Williams team.
Unfortunately she's an old hag these days.
interrogating naughty boys a speciality.
Emily Maitlis, as jpaul mentioned...
following on from your BBC news presenter theme, I always had a thing for Kate Silverton.
Surely only a fan of Nazi websites would know that, didn't really think that one through.
This is Uppengruber Heidi Flartschnauser, holder of the Iron Cross first class for being a
bit of a cutie in leather, interrogating naughty boys a speciality.