Breakdancing proposed as a sport for the Olympics

To be fair, to break dance to a decent level you do need a certain level of physical conditioning. However a sport it is not.
Why shouldn't it be? The Olympics needs to move with the times to remain relevant to a broad section of viewers. I'm sure there are lots who consider disciplines such as hammer, shot put and javelin largely irrelevant in modern life.
I'd have definitely won gold the other morning when I got out of the shower with no floor-mat in the bathroom.

If this gets through I feel sorry for all those who ever made it to be considered an Olympian

Don't see how it is too different in principle to various gymnastic events, synchronised swimming and prancing around on horses... or anything else that involves some subjectivity from a judge and an aggregate score.

I wonder if there will be computer games/esports included in future. :D
To all those saying no, please send us a vid of yourself breakdancing so we can evaluate how much weight to put behind your opinion.

It's hard and I welcome it as a sport. It's 2019 peeps. Get with the times.
It's almsot as though the OP's orignal remarks where bolstered purely by hyperbole and ignorance of the sport in general...

Nah just that "dance" is not a sport and if we let in one type then why not all of them. I'm sure there is an equivalent "World Championships" for this type of thing.
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