US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Jesse's acting gives me goosebumps. This kid has a very good future on TV. Don't see him being a big hit in the movies but as a star on TV, he has it.
How come the latest episode isn't on Netflix yet?

EDIT:Now its showing!

Ive not watched Episode 11 yet but...

Does anyone else think Walter should have dealt with Jesse a few episodes ago,Hes a loose cannon.
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I'm still hoping Walt goes out with some sort of good act, as a kind of redemption for all the bad stuff he's done.

Lydia capturing Jessie or killing Hank for getting too close to Walt or something, and Walt goes out in an act of revenge

Walt is just so bad ass and so awesome, I really don't want him to go out by getting out witted by Jessie or Hank

Same here I want Walt to get away with it. He's been so well witted with the whole thing it would be a shame to end the show with him being caught/killed.
Same here I want Walt to get away with it. He's been so well witted with the whole thing it would be a shame to end the show with him being caught/killed.

Hank needs to win or the show will be for nothing. Its good vs evil. I think for the show to truly finish on a high, Hank needs to win and Walt needs to die. Jesse will get his revenge and make himself truly disappear.

Walt JR will need some therapy.
Hank needs to win or the show will be for nothing. Its good vs evil. I think for the show to truly finish on a high, Hank needs to win and Walt needs to die. Jesse will get his revenge and make himself truly disappear.

Walt JR will need some therapy.

I don't think that's the case at all. I think that's the most obvious outcome. And how many times has the show gone against the obvious or the right choice?
Hank needs to win or the show will be for nothing. Its good vs evil. I think for the show to truly finish on a high, Hank needs to win and Walt needs to die. Jesse will get his revenge and make himself truly disappear.

Walt JR will need some therapy.

Not at all, exactly the opposite. Walt needs to get away with it and sail off in to the sunset to retire with loads of cash.
I don't think that's the case at all. I think that's the most obvious outcome. And how many times has the show gone against the obvious or the right choice?

What is the right choice? There isn't one. Just theories and speculation. Thats how I'd picture the show ending.

Why are we using spoiler tags anyway? lol.

Expect the unexpected.

When did I say that? Opinions can easily change due to different circumstances in the show.

NVM, found it. I posted that over a year ago... c'mon man, why bring that up. The show makes you change your mind constantly on the characters.
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I just find that so unbelievable though. Jesse and Walt found the fake ricin in his Roomba (planted there by Walt), so why on earth would he suddenly link the missing weed to the missing cigarette, despite already falling for Walt's fake ricin plan? It just doesn't make any sense.

Yeah its something I've been wondering about since watching the episode. There's a bit of debate online about it between fans (both fairly convincing).

Myself I think it just seemed like they had to pull that trigger but they did so in a not so believable way, which is unusual for this well written show. Its just too convenient how Jesse realizes the truth and also in coming up with another scenario that would lead to Jesse getting pick pocketed by the same person.
I loved that episode of Malcolm. Him having been Hal was the reason I watch BB in the first place and I can't believe it was 5½ years ago now.
I hope you don't mind, but I felt the need to shamelessly quote this post from a comment on It made me laugh anyway :D

Ok here are my thoughts on breaking bad...hear me out.

I think what is going to end up happening is it will come down to Jessie vs Walt. Walt will end up having to kill Jessie and successfully does so. With the murder of Jessie now on his hand and police investigating Walt ultimately has to go to Saul and use the "new identity" guy to start a new life. Walt does this and assumes the identity of LEX LUTHER!

Walt, now Lex, retrieves the money from the desert and using his finances and smarts establish the company that will eventually become LexCorp. Several years later Walt "aka Lex" has amassed a huge fortune and built LexCorp to be an empire and massive front for his meth factory.

Superman and batman both attempt to stop Walt but are at odds with each other and their ways. Walt uses this conflict to his advantage and exploits Superman's weakness....kyrptonite. Which is really just a metaphor for Superman’s meth addiction?

Batman realizes that Superman is the ultimate threat to humanity when keyed up on meth and has to take matters into his own hands. Batman then Batman's his way into LexCorp meth lab but is ambushed by Lex and his goon Todd. Batman seemingly about to be defeated by Walt and Todd is suddenly save by Robin. Batman and Robin battle against Todd. Walt takes off during the fight hoping to get away. Robin takes off after him while Batman finishes off a Todd who is tripping balls on bath salts. Robin confronts Walt in his high rises office. In this final standoff Walt notices there is something familiar about Robin. Robin reveals himself to be...JESSIE PINKMAN YO!

Walt beside himself thinking he had killed Pinkman falls into a vat of meth and is destroyed by his own crystal.
Im suspicious of Todd's Uncle's mate (if that's who he's supposed to be) and his attention to Todd's story of the methlamine heist. I've a nasty feeling that he's a Fed and will blow the whole thing open.
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