US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

The Running Man always has a knack of saying silly things.

I have him on ignore, but jeeeeez.

Anyway; I'm enjoying the final episodes, but it's more the sense of tension the series is creating in each episode, the episode when Jessie bursts in to Walt's house was brilliant! :).
I don't understand why Walter obtained a Vietnam era MG60. :confused:
There was plenty of cash to buy far better modern weapons such as the AA12 or hire a team of mercenaries like the Expendables.

I have a feeling Walt isn't going to like the idea of Todd cooking his product and in his own territory.
I don't understand why Walter obtained a Vietnam era MG60. :confused:
There was plenty of cash to buy far better modern weapons such as the AA12 or hire a team of mercenaries like the Expendables.

Hopefully the next episode will focus on Graymatter and murdering all it's employees starting with Gretchen and the balding British guy.:)

Or an AK47... When you absolutely, positively have to kill everyone in the !"£$% £$%^&*( room :D
I hope something good happens soon, getting fed up of the situation with Jesse now, Walt should have cut him loose ages ago... he is just too much of a liability and an idiot, Jessie is his own worst enemy.

I cant even remember why he is so upset at everyone or why he cared so much about what happened to mike before he flipped about the ricin? It seems like he owes Walt his life loads of times over
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I hope something good happens soon, getting fed up of the situation with Jesse now, Walt should have cut him loose ages ago... he is just too much of a liability and an idiot, Jessie is his own worst enemy.

I cant even remember why he is so upset at everyone or why he cared so much about what happened to mike before he flipped about the ricin? It seems like he owes Walt his life loads of times over

Everyone Jesse has cared about or got closed to has either died or he has become distant from them (family). Jesse was living a pretty comfy stoner life until Walt showed up. He was banging milfs, getting high, party every night and didn't have to worry about murder.

Walt was a father figure to Jesse for a long time before Jesse felt he had been used and betrayed. Then Mike become that father figure he wanted until he died. I'd be pretty depressed and angry at the world too if i went through what he went through.
Jesse is a much more genuine person than Walt.

As the series has developed my opinions changed. Walt is an absolute massive **** now . Jesse was small time and has a naive innocence. Walt has used and abused him and deserves whatever comes to him.
Jesse has his heart on his sleeve for all to see, made some poor life choices and found himself doing things he didn't want to do all for reasons that didn't matter to him a great deal. He has had enough and rightly so, it is fitting that jesse be walts down fall, just not turning snitch although i feel Jesse has a master plan to execute yet.
Without googling his name it's pretty much the best descriptor ror him obviously it works because you all know instantly who I am referring to. I didn't mean to offend anyone by it specifically. Plus it contextualised his inherent weakness which is why it would be a twist if he was to do what I said especially with him being the only one naive to walts ways and the person he loved the most.

Time will tell.

Besides its an actor playing the role of someone who is ill.
Are we not allowed to refer to Walt as a drug maker because it would be insulting him in real life?

erm I'm pretty sure the actor is not acting..

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Massive episode again!!!
After last week's, this one took a step into over drive!!

That picture text of the money!!!! :D
The rage from WW while driving....carelessness lol
The mexican standoff!!

Can't take the suspense!! :D

This one episode a week is killing me, can't leave it on a cliff hanger like that.
Hardly a mexican standoff.. all those automatic weapons, all that lead flying.. and nobody could land a shot on target.. I fully expect hank to stand up at the start of next episode, and righteously execute the neo-nazi's with sniper-like precision.. pewpew.. pewpew.. pewpew.. I mean come on, 2 cops, with a shotgun and handgun between them, verses 6+ neo-nazis with mostly automatic weapons.. Hank has to win.. though I hope he gets pincushioned..
walt in episode one having an automatic machine gun in his trunk suggests to me that the gang are still alive and kicking and walt has gone to try and make amends. The only question is whether Jesse and Hank make it out alive. I can see Hank pulling Walt out the car and using him as a hostage to get out of it. maybe.
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