US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

^ That could happen. Which ties in with the flash forward and Walt potentially going to get him out of there

Personally I think

Hank/Gomes killed
Jessie kidnapped to cook meth
Walt fakes death and goes on rampage later on to save Jessie, dies in the process as a hero

There is no way walt is ending this show as a hero!

He might partially redeem himslef for some of the heinous acts he has committed, but he is, and will remain as far removed from a hero as any character could be.
Considering this lot of Neo Nazi's killed the other drug gang, and I'm sure that gang didn't let them walk up close to them so they wouldn't miss, the shootout at the end of this episode was a bit **** and not in keeping with the program I've been watching for the last 5.5 years. I hope that next week it's been redeemed with Hank and Gomez being deader than something very very dead.
The flash forward is definitely walt going up against the neo nazi group. Who else would he get an MG to use against?

Therefore they come out the other side of the gun fight. Walt has been showing signs of regret in the last few episodes (was crying behind the rock realising what he's done). Walt will therefore be 'making amends' in the last episode, which suggests that one of Jesse or Hank die pretty damn shortly. I'm going to guess it's Hank, as if Hank was alive he would be hunting the gang down himself, or hunting walt down. How does Walt end up out of state? He must do a deal with someone to allow him to get out the situation. Maybe, one last cook, then he disappears. He'll know where their base is, gets his family safe then goes back after them.

Gomi will die too. Walt will tell the gang not to kill Jesse once the firefight is over. Jesse will end up back at the desert in the last episode uncovering the Walt millions.
Hank won't die in this situation, that's my feeling based on a couple things. First off, his phone call with Marie, that had 'these two are never gonna see each other again' written all over it. It was almost too obvious, and up until the point the episode ends I thought he was gone for sure. Having made it at least past the cliffhanger, I don't think he dies, you don't start an episode with the death of a character like Hank, you end it with his death. Of course this is Breaking Bad so anything can happen, but that's my guess and the reasoning behind it.

Also agree it seems likely that Walt will end up against the Nazi's for revenge/retribution. Other than Todd, who's mostly been played as a bit of a harmless div (even if he's shown through some of his actions that he's far from it) the rest of that lot have never been played as anything other than scum, true bad guys in every sense.
Someone has to die after this or I will be severely disappointed, 3 episodes left people have to start dropping. As others have said the gang or at least some of them must survive because of the Walt having that gun in his boot thing we saw at the start.
Yeah it was, it wasn't very fitting of their usual cliffhangers, as it didn't really feel like the end of the episode. Instead it felt like they were just drawing out what is happening by splitting it across two episodes.

There is no denying something big is going to happen in terms of somebody having to die in that gun fight.

Does anyone else find that they are now starting to hate Walt?
I know he has done terrible things throughout the show, but he has remained quite likeable. He is now really starting to show what a nasty character he has become, probably especially so now that he has turned on Jessie, who has kind of become the moral compass. I suppose though this is what the creators of the show had said they wanted, for Walt to change considerably from the man we were introduced to in the first episode.

I think the only thing that is slightly countering him at the moment is that Jack's crew are shown to be more 'evil' than previous groups he has encountered, purely because they are portrayed as neo-nazis, ruthless and have some disgusting character traits which make them look like nastier pieces of work.
Hanks sidekick is a goner :p.

Think you may be right. Here is how I think it is going to go down.

Gomez and Hank are flanked by a couple of the crew and are forced in to surrendering. Gomez is executed and just as Hank is about to meet the same fate, Walt intervenes and begs for mercy. At this point it will become clear to the crew that Walt, despite earlier showing himself to be ruthless, has a weakness that they can exploit. They then take Jesse and Hank to use as leverage to force Walt to cook for them indefinitely.
The phone call made to Marie may also later have some significance, as it was shown as being the first thing Hank did, rather than calling the Police to let them know where they are, as he said he was going to do.
They might even shoot Walt, leave him for dead as they think Jesse is more than capable. Hence the faking his death theory
And I just don't get how anyone can dislike Walt, he's amazing and his character is just brilliant. If someone did this in real life I'd hate the guy, but as it's on TV I think he's a legend and hope he comes out on top
I love how the nazis just pulled up slowly and got out with their guns like it was a normal event :p I'm incredibly surprised by the lack of accuracy, first shot would have been right through Hanks head, not in the dirt somewhere but hey-ho it's tv.

I think Jesse will hide, nazis don't know he's there and Walt has backed out on killing him now so won't dob him in. I just don't see Walt getting out of it with the nazis, I don't see 10 minutes being taken up with him cooking again, I don't think we will see him cook again. I think todd might die, gomez sureley has to be a goner, hank will probably be taken hostage or left disarmed, I don't think he'll be killed off it would just make walts life too easy.

I'm right in thinking it's still Hank and Gomez that know?
Totally saw that shootout coming. As soon as Walt told the neo-nazis not to come, there was no way they were going to obey that. Walt has promised them one last cook, so of course they were going to turn up. It was almost painful to watch the episode after that moment, because Walt is usually so clever, bordering on the prescient. How did he not see that coming?
Absolutely incredible episode. I believe Gomey will get shot but I am really hoping Hank dies...even though I do like the chap to an extent. The biggest (no pun intended) person who I felt sorry for was poor Huell! :D
I was disappointed by this episode, especially the end. The shootout in 'One Minute' remains my favourite of all time, extreme tension and buildup with exquisite attention to detail. This episode did the tension pretty well but after either killing or injuring a couple of neo nazis hank and gomez should be giving a total blood donation to the desert, not this everyone misses BS. Out in the open being shot at with no hits, just sloppy work. Not to mention what a ******* idiot walt is.

Gomez and Hank are flanked by a couple of the crew and are forced in to surrendering. Gomez is executed and just as Hank is about to meet the same fate, Walt intervenes and begs for mercy. At this point it will become clear to the crew that Walt, despite earlier showing himself to be ruthless, has a weakness that they can exploit. They then take Jesse and Hank to use as leverage to force Walt to cook for them indefinitely.

This sounds bang on to me.
They are not in the open as mich as you think. Look at some of the shots from higher up and you can see why some of them didn't hit them. But even at that they are crap shots!
that was pretty painful to watch, stupid jesse being stupid jesse in the scene leading up to the shoot out, then a ridiculous random shootout, hank and gomie would be well dead.
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