I have to say that panel was dire, hardly any of the cast got decent talk time Dean Norris looked excited to be there but you could see part way through that he just couldnt be bothered as he wasnt allowed any input, RJ Mitte said like what 3 sentences? For all the 'love' and 'family' Aaron and Bryan seem to spout they should have at least attempted to make it more round table from their ex colleagues instead of the 'Aaron and Bryan' show.
....Its the same tired questions and answers we all know from the last year...thats when you know they have dragged this out for too long and it would have been nice to hear a bit more from the other cast members who dont get all the limelight. Partly the crowds fault ofc, how they can claim their fans but ask those dull questions beggars belief.
Like EVERYONE knows the story of the pizza for crying out loud!
so please can we just get on with it now and get these things aired?