US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Got up an hour and half before work this morning to catch this rather than trying to avoid spoilers all day,

It was definitely worth it, the most satisfying end to a series I have ever seen, it's not often an ending wraps up so well, loved every minute of it.
Now that's how you end a TV series.

A brilliant episode tying up pretty much everything but leaving some things open to the imagination.

Couldn't have imagined a better ending. Jesse staying true to his morals, the nod between the two of them, the final scene...
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nice episode . great tie ups , not as shocking as a thought it maybe . thought might be a few more twists but overall a solid episode and end of series .

was one of the best series i have seen. maybe not the best but up there.
Was literally on my feet the last 15 minutes. That was incredible

I'm devastated it's over

An amazing TV show with an amazing end
Can't get over that, incredible

I thought I'd be gutted with Walt dying, but the way he died and the nice touch at the end with him dying in his meth lab, was a perfect ending. 10/10 episode and absolutely incredible. Literally not exaggerating when I say I jumped to my feet when the machine gun went off
Walts death was perfect, Yay
Jesse escapes - Yay
Todd's death - Yay
Hardcore lead action - Yay
Skinny Pete and Badger - Yay
No Saul - Boooo

Epic, so many feels bra's :(
Walt is just a legend, so glad he went out the way he did, smile on his face and having done all he needed to do :). The machine gun contraption was just epic and a fitting way to take out the Nazis
That very rare occasion where the final episode of a series end properly and not some wishy washy ********.

Best show ever and best ending ever.
I thought for a second that all his plans were going to go wrong, because it needed to be perfect for it too work, but I suppose a solid story is better than making a mess of things.
A little bit of me hoped that we would see an ending to if the money got to Flynn, and what happened to Jessie, but I suppose there has to be a little bit of imagination.
Plus we never really saw Lydia die, she might have made it too the hospital.
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