US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Not a spectacular ending (although perhaps reading what theories of what would happen and they all were pretty close didn't help, what he did to Elliot and Gretchen was a good surprise though) but I doubt it ever could be in one hour, everything tied up nicely though and thought it was great Walt admitted he did it for himself due to enjoyment/satisfying his ego, the 'he always had good intentions brigade' can bugger off now.

Best TV series I've watched.
Best TV series I've watched.

Ditto, and i'm not much of a tv person and haven't watched half of the stuff I should have done, but Breaking Bad has been brilliant.

I just watched the first episode again this morning and knowing how things turn seems so far away from the characters in the beginning.

I think in the whole series, the part which really took me back was when he watched Jane die.
He's still a hero though :D Good intentions or not

Forever Team Walt! <3

Oh yeah totally, I felt sad seeing the scene of him with his daughter or watching Walt Jr. go in the house and he couldn't approach him knowing it was the last time he'd see him.

Just a fantastic character all around and amazing acting from Bryan Cranston, was just annoying reading the 'but he always put his family first and this is why I feel sorry for him', when really that was a load of ********
I have to confess I got to the end of the final episode and initially felt quite disappointed with it. Thinking about it for a bit it I realised I wasn't disappointed with the episode but simply that it was all over.

I'm not sure what I expected the last episode in one way but like Raymond I didn't really see it coming to any other conclusion without leaving things unresolved. The outcomes with Skyler/family, Grey Matter, Neo Nazi's, Todd and Jessie were all really well done and realistically I don't see it going any other way than it.

The part with him saying goodbye to Holly got me I'll be honest and it was at that point (to me at least) the reality of his 'final mission' was already set in motion.

Really solid series with no dips in storyline or slow episodes that I can think of. Only series I can think of is The Shield that finished well, but not as good as BB.

I thought Jessie killing Todd was a good touch rather than Todd being taken out by M60, gave a bit of justice for killing Andrea and torturing him.

With reference to M60 earlier in the thread - an M60 at close range, with armour piercing rounds would go through a wall like that I'm absolutely certain! I've watched enough Sons of Guns episodes to feel qualified enough to say that :D
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I have to confess I got to the end of the final episode and initially felt quite disappointed with it. Thinking about it for a bit it I realised I wasn't disappointed with the episode but simply that it was all over.

I had exactly the same thing. I had to take the dog for a walk and really think about what I had just watched. I came back realising it really was the perfect ending. Just such a shame it's over. :(
Can we start a petition to get Vince Gilligan to re-write the end of both Dexter and Lost please?

Any other TV shows with rubbish endings that could do with the Gilligan treatment?
Whilst it wasn't the ending I would have liked to see, it was an ending I was happy with and probably a better overall ending than what was in my head.

The thing is though, with so many crap endings to shows, Lost, Dexter and lesser crap endings to programs like The Shield, I think BB's ending was pretty much universally liked because it was a proper ending, not some cop out, not some esoteric ******** and not so damn ambiguous you just wonder if it's been left open in case someone wants to milk more money out of it years down the line (well it won't work for you now Sopranos (unfortunately :()).
When Walt gave Jesse the gun at the end I thought he was going to use it to kill himself right in front of Walt. They spent the entire series underlining that his character was basically destroyed as a human being so it would have been a fitting end. It also would have meant the show itself died as it lived - by confounding expectations and shocking the audience. By comparison the finale felt very safe.

I don't think Jessie killing himself would have been very satisfying and much prefer the way it happened as personally I felt the whole series was as much about Jessie's journey as it is Walts, from the moment he pulled the trigger and killed Gale, he has been on a downward spiral and wanting to get away from the business to rid himself of the bad that has come about from it but has been unable to do so and has been used as a pawn by everyone.

For him to finally get the chance (to use a horrible phrase) to take the power back and make the decision himself was great and to have the strength to do so and be able to go a restart his life (maybe a carpenter as per his daydream vision/ flash forward(?)) and be the good person, that inside he is, was great!
The way Walt caresses his meth vat with his bloodstained hand as the lyrics "The special love I had for you" played out, was just utterly perfect. It was as if the song had been made just for this scene.
No idea where I'm going to find the time to re-watch it all but I'm really wanting to now after seeing the gif in the link above of the first scene!

Trying to get through The Shield again, The Unit, Star Trek TNG whilst trying to keep up with Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Fringe (just started that) as well as a few others. I may have to give up my job. :D
No idea where I'm going to find the time to re-watch it all but I'm really wanting to now after seeing the gif in the link above of the first scene!

Trying to get through The Shield again, The Unit, Star Trek TNG whilst trying to keep up with Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Fringe (just started that) as well as a few others. I may have to give up my job. :D

Yep, this truly is the TV generation. I'm just old enough to remember the 4 channel scenario. Life was much simpler then. And the pubs actually managed to stay afloat.
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