US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

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The stray bullet was perfect..(No one killed him) He indirectly broke bad and killed himself.

His son did know he cared....His loss of love was reaction

To much analysis in this thread tbh...from people trying to read into things the directors and writers never intended...

And for what purpose? Trying to sound cool on the internets?

A big +1
I was going to post I cant wait for the next episode but then I would have to unregister ;)


"That was sad that Walt Jr would never know that his father did care"

When he gets that Grey Matter donation and mummy tells him he never killed uncle hank...

Of course we all know this was not the real end, paramedics move in on ww and get a pulse and then move him into critical intense unit and then we see breaking bad for real
Have you watched this show

The stray bullet was perfect..(No one killed him) He indirectly broke bad and killed himself.

His son did know he cared....His loss of love was reaction

To much analysis in this thread tbh...from people trying to read into things the directors and writers never intended...

And for what purpose? Trying to sound cool on the internets?

Thread close if you ask me.

The stray bullet was genius. If you had asked me as late as the penultimate episode how Walt would die, an accidental death would have been way down my list.
Do any of us here subscribe to the theory that Walt died in the car and the rest of the episode was just a vision or whatever? Regardless of what Vince says? :p

The theory falls down on the fact that Walt didn't know the Nazi's were keeping Jessie held and forcing him to cook for them, keeping him in a pit. If this was in Walt's mind how would he know that was happening. Unless all the stuff with Jessie was part of Walts dream the whole time? Nope

The Twitter feed of the guy talking about it just seems like he loves himself and is massively patronizing to anyone with a counter argument.
Not sure how true this is but anyone heard of the spinoff show AMC are reportedly going to run based around Saul? linky

I haven't had a coffee this morning so sorry if it's fake
Saul was pretty funny character, but I have my reservations.

Yeh I'm not sure either. Will definitely give it a go but not expecting much, we'll see.

I was wondering whether Jesse might make a guest appearance somewhere, but thinking back he only 'knew of' a dodgy lawyer rather than had dealt with him I think?
Yeh I'm not sure either. Will definitely give it a go but not expecting much, we'll see.

I was wondering whether Jesse might make a guest appearance somewhere, but thinking back he only 'knew of' a dodgy lawyer rather than had dealt with him I think?

They could be onto something, thinking about it.

The back stories of both Gus and Mike would be a good start as Saul was the pivotal character in BB between 'real deal' criminals and Jessie's small-time introductions.
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