US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

I've watched this show about 5 times and am currently working my way through it again (currently on season 2).

Absolutely love it. Nothing has come close to this show for me personally, aside from probably prison break (1st season was awesome). I've mentioned prison break in terms of me being hooked to a show as opposed to meaning they're similar.
A friend of mine at work has ploughed through the entire series with his wife over the last 6 months and loved every minute of it - until I asked him how he'd enjoyed the final few episodes and the subsequent ending and he said he was disappointed! :eek:

Anyway, after a few probing questions it turns out his season 5 boxset only had the first half in it and they had thought the final episode was the one where Hank had finally twigged and that was it!

You should have seen the delight in his face when I told him there were another block of episodes! :D
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I've just watched the entire series from start to end. It took me a week.

Absolutely amazing. Best thing I've seen in a long time. I can't believe that I've only just seen it when it's been out so long. :eek:
Just finished the series.

I thought overall it was truly fantastic. The ending was the hardest part to managed and they did a fine job, though not perfect.

The bar was set too high to tie the show up properly and ultimately, I think they rushed the changes that Walt goes through in the final half of the series 5. I also think that Walt's ultimate nemesis is a lot weaker than other foes that he has vanquished during the series which is a bit of an anti climax

All in all, Walt's transformation across the show is masterful and the supporting characters were perfectly balanced so that the show was full of grey rather than black and white characters.

I will definitely watch again to appreciate it more fully.
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Finally got through all of BB, what a show! Brilliantly written.

Just starting Sons of Anarchy and so far it isn't a patch on BB. They set the bar pretty high!
Finally got through all of BB, what a show! Brilliantly written.

Just starting Sons of Anarchy and so far it isn't a patch on BB. They set the bar pretty high!

Agreed, though if you thought BB was a slow burner then SoA is slug pace! I'm on the final series and it has got progressively better
It's been such a long time since it first aired and I hadn't rewatched it, until last week.
Sufficient enough time had past that I would appreicate it again like new and I did but in a very different way.
Intially I had a lot of love for Walt as a kinda anti hero, taking on the world, almost like a Everyday Tony Montana. This time around though all I felt very uncomfortable with that feeling as through BB he is a liability, a danger, an idiot, selfish, irresponsible and a terrible person who is accountable for every single death in the show in one way or another.
By the end, I absolutely dispise him for what he did.
That was a theme of the show I think, in the end he would have agreed with your view but also it was too late to change. That he was in two minds, dichotomy shows in his desperation for a positive legacy, saving/letting Jesse go, the unwanted 'gift' to his son.

I thought the ending was kick ass personally, I hated the start most
I was so disappointed with the ending of Breaking Bad. It bothered me for ages :o

I only struggled with it because it brought to an end one of the best(if not THE best) TV series I have ever seen. A realization that TV probably would not get better than this for me.

I thought it kinda wrapped up everything and everyone nicely with the conclusion that they probably deserved.

I am still envious to this day of people who either tweet or FB status that they are just going to start to watch it. Would be great to watch it again with complete ignorance of what happens and when.
Just finished it myself. Overall I'll give it an 8/10. Really really good show but watching it once was enough for me. Should've finished after the ... chicken man ... era but they've done well squeezing more out of it. The young guy (trying to be vague on purpose here) annoyed the hell out of me the last season or two with zero handle on his emotions but Walter was great all the way through.

Onto Better Call Saul soon.
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