They’re used for fires over large areas, not fires the size of a big church. You’d only have a split second to dump it.I saw that tweet. Joking aside, would that not be a viable option with a large fire like this?
They’re used for fires over large areas, not fires the size of a big church. You’d only have a split second to dump it.I saw that tweet. Joking aside, would that not be a viable option with a large fire like this?
Why don't they just use flying water tankers to put it out?
I saw that tweet. Joking aside, would that not be a viable option with a large fire like this?
I saw that tweet. Joking aside, would that not be a viable option with a large fire like this?
You really need Superman and a giant lake at times like this
Why don't they just use flying water tankers to put it out?