Do the same rules also apply to penis's.. stupid?
This is exactly what the chap I was replying to was suggesting, letting restaurants decide whether they would allow breast feeding or not. [..]
Your house, your rules.
Their house, their rules.
Having a crap is natural.
I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed about it either.
Time and a place, he's right.
And the time and place to breastfeed a baby is when it wants feeding.
To all those saying that they are okay with a women breastfeeding in public. What if you were seated in a seat that forced/made you watch as she was breastfeeding would you still be okay with it?
And the time and place to have a pee is when I need a pee.
See how easy it is to make these meaningless statements?
Can't the offended masses just go eat their meal in the baby changing room? Its their problem, they can act to resolve it.
For some reason you're mininterpretating my post Angilion. Maybe that's my fault. Each of those situations have their own settings and space, hence it's contextual. I'm not assuming that any of them are being done within a neutral public setting. If they were then that would change the point of my post and you are right, restrictions come in to play but that's part of the 'responsibility' thing I mentioned earlier.
[..] A nude-model art-class in the middle of Primark would also be jarring although somewhat amusing.
I would regard someone strolling down the street in the nude as being completely inoffensive. Why shouldn't it be allowed, since I say it should be?As for what discretion is, see my earlier posts. It's just being considerate, i.e. not flopping boobs out wholesale but keeping some modesty. That said, I've never experienced a militant mother who's determined to give a strip-show to prove a point. Returning to the Claridge's incident, as I said earlier: asking her to cover up was wrong. She was being modest and completely inoffensive so let her get on with it.
Yup, I genuinely can't see the problem, can someone attempt to explain what the problem is?
The other is a biological need that must be met immediately in order to sustain a life.
If they're allowed to decide for themselves who can frequent their establishment can you have restaurants that don't let black people in then?