Breastfeeding in restaurants

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I don't quite get why people feel the need to make a spectacle out of everything, my wife managed to feed our kids discreetly, as did 99% of the people I know that breast fed, but it seems all the rage these days to make a statement about it..

Of course some people may feel uncomfortable, and of course the baby is entitled to be fed, but for the love of everything holy, why does everyone want to be an attention seeking muppet these days? I swear it's the whole entitled generation thing, either entitled to be offended by everything, or entitled to be the centre of attention at every opportunity..

Public breastfeeding is uncomfortable to people around, nobody wants to see saggy hooters while eating thanks. Mum's have a right to feed their children sure but be classy and respectful about it, use a cover or go to your car, nobody wants to see it.

Yes, take this natural act to your man-made shame wagon.
Yes, take this natural act to your man-made shame wagon.

Now now.... He says he finds it "uncomfortable". We cant have a go at him for that. It's natural for those without control to have certain body parts spring up from below.
As I stated earlier in the thread, I don't care if I see a woman breastfeeding, but wouldn't it be quite straightforward to feed the baby before entering the restaurant?
As I stated earlier in the thread, I don't care if I see a woman breastfeeding, but wouldn't it be quite straightforward to feed the baby before entering the restaurant?

Babies don't work that way. They don't plan mealtimes to fit in with their parents and the rest of the planet. When they're hungry, they want feeding straight away.
Jesus. This thread.

Comparing going to the toilet to breast feeding. Righton.

What's all this "no problem if they do it discreetly"? Because a womans just going to take her top off and get in your face with her breast and a big comedy magnifying glass.

Also rooms for where we can hide them in? Fair enough if a woman isn't confident to do it publicly but lets not have to hide away the ones that have the balls (breasts?) to do it and not give a damn what people think.

If you're offended people. That's fine. Just get over it. I don't want to have to see younger generations being put off by breast feeding, young kids not having any idea what breast feeding is or a world where I can't watch porn with someone being playfully spanked. Oh wait...
I'd sooner sit in a restaurant full of breast feeding women than share one with people like you. Your attitude, just look at how you refer to women measuring them on their parts, stinks and is more offensive than any amount of public breastfeeding.

Unashamedly stolen from Amnesia in another thread because it's so fitting for this precious little ********* ^^

You right now....>:mad:

In all seriousness it would depend on whether the woman was physically attractive

Yeah, you've nailed it. I don't want to see some hideous sow pulling her udders out in public. However, if they're a looker then allowances should be made.
Yeah, you've nailed it. I don't want to see some hideous sow pulling her udders out in public. However, if they're a looker then allowances should be made.

It's true, some unattractive hog of a woman getting her breasts out in public would just put me off my food, an attractive slim young mum wouldn't bother me.
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