I don't quite get why people feel the need to make a spectacle out of everything, my wife managed to feed our kids discreetly, as did 99% of the people I know that breast fed, but it seems all the rage these days to make a statement about it..
Of course some people may feel uncomfortable, and of course the baby is entitled to be fed, but for the love of everything holy, why does everyone want to be an attention seeking muppet these days? I swear it's the whole entitled generation thing, either entitled to be offended by everything, or entitled to be the centre of attention at every opportunity..

Of course some people may feel uncomfortable, and of course the baby is entitled to be fed, but for the love of everything holy, why does everyone want to be an attention seeking muppet these days? I swear it's the whole entitled generation thing, either entitled to be offended by everything, or entitled to be the centre of attention at every opportunity..