Breathable Business Shirts

24 Sep 2007
Does anyone else find it hard to find breathable business shirts? I find this problem very annoying, because you buy some business shirts, only to find they aren't very breathable, which makes them very uncomfortable to wear, as you start feeling hot and sweaty very quickly. The problem is, it seems hard to identify what will be ok. Some cotton polyester mix shirts are OK, some aren't. I guess it might be down to the weave. However, it seems very hard to discern when looking at a shirt in its packet, whether it will be breathable or not.

Does anyone else share this problem? Any tips on how to find breathable shirts?


As above, with spending out on decent 100% cotton non iron shirts. I find below the £30-40 price range business shirts can be hard going. TM Lewin are usually pretty good. Budget around £120-£150 for 5 shirts (assuming an offer) and you won't have this problem.
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