Brexit thread - what happens next

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The vote also wholly undermines London as the European centre of finance, as the international banks won't be able to undertake trading activities with European counterparties or clients.

Flip the coin, the European banks use London as a gateway to the rest of the world, they need London as much as we need them as customers.
There's going to be movement but not anywhere near enough to take London from its financial perch.
At a somewhat heated family BBQ on Saturday, all the old folks (bar one) voted leave, and they all cited immigration, and for some a nebulous 'take back control', as their reasons for doing so.

I simply don't believe the "it wasn't about foreigners" nonsense.
Flip the coin, the European banks use London as a gateway to the rest of the world, they need London as much as we need them as customers.
There's going to be movement but not anywhere near enough to take London from its financial perch.

Why would they use London when it's not in the EU and has no ability to deal fully within the EU?
People really need to get a grip and stop blaming, claiming and complaining. It's done, the decision has been made, it's time to move on and work together and see it through. What will destroy us is all the in-fighting, not the exit itself.

What happened to the British stiff upper lip? From here it looks like it's hanging on the floor waiting to be trodden on.
Ironic as well, as tarring a group with one brush is pretty much bigotry in itself.

Lets fight bigotry with bigotry, phase cancellation and all that. :p

calling skinheads who put up a racist poster idiots is bigotry? They hardly constitute a group of people to the point where you'd be bigoted to make a generalisation about them, there were about 5 of them!
It may have been asked already, but what does "taking back Britain" mean? Or "taking back our country"? A few of my friends have said this and I don't know what they mean. :o

I genuinely don't understand that expression in this context. If it has been answered I apologise, and if you can point me to the post I should be most grateful.

To ask the question means the answer would be one you would also claim to not understand.
Had the EU done the sensible thing, given the migration fiasco, and capitulated on free movement of EU citizens, and showed unilateral support to stemming the tide of mainly economic none EU migrants, this situation would never have occurred. It will not be simple, cheap or without hindrance. But long term it will be the re-making of this country.

How does leaving the EU help stem the tide of none EU migrants?

Never mind the fact that for the next 2+ years we are technically still in the EU

What happened to the British stiff upper lip? From here it looks like it's hanging on the floor waiting to be trodden on.

its doing well. hence the backlash and until article 50 is implement there's a chance we can right this capsizing ship.
although even if it is implemented it shouldn't be to bad for us, now its basically been confirmed we would just sign the single market. so we would be worse off but far better of that wont most leavers would want.
Two big negatives for me that come to light were the complete lack of interest of the younger generation. I know a lot did vote but a lot didn't, it's worrying for the future that these people refuse to take an interest in how the country is running. The only thing that matters to them is their fake tan and if they can still got out and get ridiculously drunk on the weekends. The second which someone else pointed out is that racism is still very much here. One phrase on my facebook was 'finally we can get rid of all the terrorists' I think this right wing 'hate the foreigners' will now die down now, and hopefully we can move on from it.
More proof remain people are smater than the leave 'lot' who leave their faces uncovered so they can be caught ;)

We'll have a referendum again , Scotland will not leave they have been told no deal by the EU, Northern Ireland has gone quiet about the whole thing.
Germany stock market is crashing.

The UK referendum was carried now because of the elections happening over Europe.
EU Foreign Affairs Chief: Europe Needs an EU Army

Google Translate:

I know there's a lot of negativity around at the moment, but I do truly believe that the country made the right decision. The negativity will pass, our economy will recover and go on to thrive imo.

I don't understand the negativity surrounding the possibility of a "EU Army", what is it you don't like, why is it bad?

On the face of it it seems entirely reasonable and sensible IF it ever did happen with a resurging and more assertive Russia who out gun most of the Europeans combined, a rapidly growing power in the east and a growing threat in the Middle East. Seems like pooling your resources together among allies isn't all that bad surely?
Please can we keep this civil, the "lot" you speak of is a minority. Some of us are happy to be productive in making sure the UK continues to progress with or without the EU. We lost, Leave won, I'd like to think many of us are moving on and not mocking the cause we campaigned for :)

Good post!

Gimme a cuddle:)
One should not ask for the potential to not understand the answer?

why not ask someone who actually used that phrase... to just throw it out there for interpretation as you did, out of context, will lead to different random guesses by people who perhaps haven't used the specific phrase in the first place
Easy to say 'they're just a minority' if you are white and not European.

If you are, it's entirely understandable to be worried and concerned for your safety in the UK after the reports that are coming in from the last two days. And that is disgusting and something the UK should be ashamed of.

propaganda got you good it seems, this **** has been going on for years. Only now when it can be spun by the press do they start picking it up.
Its still the minority that are doing it, yes they are retarded, yes they should be punished but lets not get carried away and make this out to be some new thing people have to deal with and using Brexit as an excuse.
why not ask someone who actually used that phrase... to just throw it out there for interpretation as you did, out of context, will lead to different random guesses by people who perhaps haven't used the specific phrase in the first place

It wasn't me that asked, and it's a simple enough question that has been asked before and I was able to provide an answer on that basis.
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