Brexit thread - what happens next

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So they say there should be a 2nd referendum because the winner had less than 60% and the turnout was less than 75%. So what happens if there is another referendum and that one doesnt win with 60+% and a 75+% , have a 3rd referendum? And a 4th? And a 5th? And a 6th? Is the complaint of all the undersigned truly that there wasnt 60% and 75%, or is the truth that their complaint is that they didn't get the result they wanted?

Thats pretty much it,Its because the result is not what they wanted and are using the % of people that didn't vote as an excuse,Imo if people didn't vote thats their problem,they knew the date they had to vote.

Saying that,If there was a second poll i wouldn't vote,I've already done it once,not doing it again just because they didn't get the result they wanted.

I think if we was to get a re-run and Bremain won,There would be huge consequences and backlash from the working class people of this country.
I'm ashamed to be British seeing the behaviour of people from both camps. It is disgusting.

I wonder how long the panic mode the country is in at the moment will go on. The Leave team and Conservatives need to get something sorted fast so that the public can see we have a plan and a direction to travel. I also hope the police will be able to track down the xenophobic muppets that are striking fear into the hearts of other Europeans / foreigners at the moment. I voted out however I appreciate that if we leave there'd be an extremely high chance the freedom of movement law will remain and it isn't one I have an issue with. I like to think I have at least half a brain cell still functioning though, unfortunately it seems there are many a leave voter with zero brain cells :(

Agreed. The way people are behaving is crazy, tolerant "remain" voters, acting like fascist "leave" voters.

The country's truly split :(
Without wading back through the old thread and 15 pages so far of this thread, what's the view on the Scottish position, where the Sturge has threatened to negotiate direct with Europe? Presumably she has no legal or constitutional mandate to do that. The only way she could carry out direct negotiations against the will of Westminster would be to declare secession from the UK without a referendum on independence. That would not be a good place for the UK to go, potentially even leading to civil war?
if remain voters genuinely think their country and their life (finances etc) will be negatively affected by a Brexit then why would they just sit back and accept it

the country is going to rot if we Brexit so if divides politically and class wise in process then why not
Wake up, of course it will otherwise our political system over the last 200 years goes down the drain.

Or as we now seemingly may have two leadership elections, whoever wins the Tory one then calls a GE in the near future. One or several parties (Lib dems and SNP definitely would) campaign on a pro-Europe platform. If one of the other major parties also joined in and between them all they get to form the government then they may feel safe not following the instruction of the referendum as they're not legally required to and could argue they have a democratic mandate not to.

It's unlikely to happen but that's how it could.
Or as we now seemingly may have two leadership elections, whoever wins the Tory one then calls a GE in the near future. One or several parties (Lib dems and SNP definitely would) campaign on a pro-Europe platform. If one of the other major parties also joined in and between them all they get to form the government then they may feel safe not following the instruction of the referendum as they're not legally required to and could argue they have a democratic mandate not to.

It's unlikely to happen but that's how it could.

I think thats quite likely

Conservative party seem to be very reluctant to have BJ as their leader, so if they choose a Pro-EU leader as well - how will that work ?
seems Labour are imploding this morning too - news reckons half the shadow cabinet potentially going to resign

Well as long as they sort out the leadership side quickly, unseat Corbyn and select someone actually electable then they may make some progress...
Conservative party seem to be very reluctant to have BJ as their leader, so if they choose a Pro-EU leader as well - how will that work ?

By potentially not invoking article 50 OR negotiations which keep the UK as close to the EU as possible.

Either way, who ever takes the job better already have grey hair....
Well whoever takes over immediately from the Tories or in the aftermath of a subsequent GE it's pretty much the ultimate political poison chalice, their career will be toast. It's just a matter of how they play it as to whether we go the article 50 route or not.
Without wading back through the old thread and 15 pages so far of this thread, what's the view on the Scottish position, where the Sturge has threatened to negotiate direct with Europe? Presumably she has no legal or constitutional mandate to do that. The only way she could carry out direct negotiations against the will of Westminster would be to declare secession from the UK without a referendum on independence. That would not be a good place for the UK to go, potentially even leading to civil war?

Sturgeon has quite a few issues. Firstly she is outnumbered in the Scottish Parliament. Second issue is she has to get it through the UK parliament as well. Third issue the latest polls were heavily not in favour of leaving and fourth there were still a large amount of people that voted out in Scotland.

Scotland need to wait to see what comes from the negotiations. I do not expect to see the UK to be 100% out of the EU. Germany are talking about an associated partnership position. We will need to wait and see what that really means.
Cameron was very smart in passing the buck on the exit negotiations. Whoever is the next Prime Minister will be committing political suicide. There's no way that they can please every Conservative who voted to leave, let alone the Conservative party as a whole. Everyone has their own vision of what the UK's relationship with the EU should be and many people will be furious if the next Prime Minister doesn't deliver their particular vision.
Brexit is going to happen. But, and this is the important bit - there are many flavours of Brexit. We don't actually know what 'Brexit' is do we?

We'll leave the EU - in a few years (hell, EU may even collapse before we get to the end of Article 50's two years!). But we'll clearly have some formal agreements with what's left of the EU, or even smaller groupings of countries. I think a key point is that what is commonly understood as Brexit simply hasn't been technically defined, let alone negotiated.

A lot of what many Leave voters expect to happen, may well not happen. There's a good chance that the eventual outcome in 2020 won't satisfy either the average Remain or Leave voter!
Cameron was very smart in passing the buck on the exit negotiations. Whoever is the next Prime Minister will be committing political suicide. There's no way that they can please every Conservative who voted to leave, let alone the Conservative party as a whole. Everyone has their own vision of what the UK's relationship with the EU should be and many people will be furious if the next Prime Minister doesn't deliver their particular vision.

Going to be a lot of this!

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