Brexit thread - what happens next

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With the current oil price?
I don't think the price of oil will dampen Sturgeon's dreams of being 'the person who won Scotland's freedom from the tyrannical English' and securing her place in history. The SNP have been itching for another shot at independence since the last attempt failed.
If Scotland decides to stay in the UK after this one, I also believe they will try again as soon as the opportunity arises.
I don't think the price of oil will dampen Sturgeon's dreams of being 'the person who won Scotland's freedom from the tyrannical English' and securing her place in history. The SNP have been itching for another shot at independence since the last attempt failed.
If Scotland decides to stay in the UK after this one, I also believe they will try again as soon as the opportunity arises.

If they'll be taking an economic hit come what may, might as well go -- the oil gambit and its subsequent crushing by Unionists won't work again. In fact, Nicola will have no qualms with deploying very familiar Brexiteer arguments against the very same people.
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Brexit Aftermath

Next week, in parliament they need to declare no second ref, make this quick, so people don't keep harping on divided.
Then arrange a summer timetable for informal negotiations.
Elect new leader, have finalised negotiations, trigger 50, and we leave.
Job done.

This is what should happen, swiftly, and would be the best for the economy in the medium term. More slowness and turmoil will make things more and more messy.
I cab with messy, no doubt my pension contributions got slapped this past 4 months, and will get hit again going forward.

God help anyone retiring in next twelve months.

Well seeing as A general election is just a popularity contest between the 2 leaders, as highlighted by many posters opinions and the stupidity of the general public, in the light of an early GE they need someone at the helm that is likeable and tough as hell and able to deliver speeches and BS and lies that will suggest Labour will be able to guide us in a post Brexit World, if that even happens.... :confused::D:rolleyes::p

Referendum 2 is a guaranteed STAY in the EU - if it happens ill be amazed, saddened and demoralised. TBH !
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Indeed, I thought the same.
Lets sum up the vote by not using the figures from the vote at all.
Just take other figures, assigned them in a strange way and come up with a big number!
Similar to how they arrived at the £350Million, ;)

Please give an explaination as to why i am wrong.

72% of the voting population voted and 48% of them voted to remain, 48% of 72% is about 34.5% of the overall voting population.
Brexit Aftermath

Next week, in parliament they need to declare no second ref, make this quick, so people don't keep harping on divided.
Then arrange a summer timetable for informal negotiations.
Elect new leader, have finalised negotiations, trigger 50, and we leave.
Job done.

This is what should happen, swiftly, and would be the best for the economy in the medium term. More slowness and turmoil will make things more and more messy.
I cab with messy, no doubt my pension contributions got slapped this past 4 months, and will get hit again going forward.

God help anyone retiring in next twelve months.

They knew what they voted for. I hope.
Throughout the campaign, Cameron had repeatedly said that a vote for leave would lead to triggering Article 50 straight away. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the image was clear: he would be giving that notice under Article 50 the morning after a vote to leave. Whether that was scaremongering or not is a bit moot now but, in the midst of the sentimental nautical references of his speech yesterday, he quietly abandoned that position and handed the responsibility over to his successor.

Cameron has done the country the biggest favour he could have possibly done by not issuing article 50. We are not committed to leaving the EU. We can then negotiate a exit while still being fully paid up members. While we are members we can hold the EU back. They want us gone, we want to go, we can agree to fair terms. If we issue notice to leave, the EU can wait out the notice period and cut us lose which will hurt bad and will certainly discourage other countries from following suit.
What is important now is for the remain voters to stop their winging and accept democracy has been served whether they like it or not. Next we all need to pull together to support the government in the upcoming exit negotiations.

Yesterday's drop in the FTSE and pound was mainly caused by the remain campaigns negative assessment of the UK being out of the EU but thankfully the markets soon rallied round and started to reverse the downfall. From what i have read and heard the remain campaigners are doing more damage to the UK than the leave decision!

At what point will you accept a stagnated or struggling economy is due to the vote to leave rather than Remain scaremongering? A week? A month? A year?

The one tiny positive to come out of all this is to have one almighty "told you so". Just need to know when you want it.
Will they have the balls to ignore the democratic will of the people?

The great thing about democracy, is when you make a mistake, new faces, new people can disregard that mistake.

If the reality of Brixit looks as sticky as it does right now, engineering a reason for a second referendum you're guaranteed to win is easy enough.
I'd like to keep this discussion going in here if that's OK.
I am under the assumption that the "exit poll" thread has run it's course but the ramifications of what we just did will roll on for years.

Where do we go from here...

and for christ sake can we have some positivity in the replies

The post vote thread was just closed by the Mods. Why did you think it appropriate to start another thread on the exact same subject?
The great thing about democracy, is when you make a mistake, new faces, new people can disregard that mistake.

If the reality of Brixit looks as sticky as it does right now, engineering a reason for a second referendum you're guaranteed to win is easy enough.

agreed :)

anyone just watch Sky News - who was the gentlemen they interviewed ? didn't come across well at all
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