What would you like to cut back on so we can afford this massively expensive air defence system which is likely never to get used?
I'd like to see two things done simultaneously and both are linked -
1st - I think that the 1* Officer level and above need to be cut back myself (so starting from Air Commodore for RAF, Commodore for Navy and Brigadier General for Army & Marines) because our military has become horrendously "management bloated" because the people who directly decide how many people need to be in-charge are the people who are in-charge. So whilst the rest of the Forces have suffered cut backs, the 1* and higher ranks have, in comparison, expanded and because of that they've had to find/invent a whole raft of "peacetime" made-up jobs to keep all these extra people doing something, adding a huge amount of waste, inefficiency, and cost.
As an example of this management bloat here is what I posted elsewhere 2 years ago (so add another 6-10% to each wage I mention) but it's been a huge issue since the Cold War drawdowns -
Personally I would suggest a wholesale removal of around 66% of the bloated Air Rank officer corps we currently have would be a great start. We are currently at approximately 160 officers who hold an Air Rank (the equivalent to a General or Admiral who are all on a minimum pay of £113k) which I believe is more than we had during WW2 when the RAF was 350 times bigger - I mean one of these Officer's job is solely to promote RAF Sport FFS......for at least £113k a year! - and I would suggest a harsh refocusing from the remaining 33% onto the RAF's core mission set - delivering air power - and anything which doesn't directly do that needs to go.
However that'll never happen, the cows won't vote for the slaughterhouse and the Officer corps won't cut their bloated numbers down, there's far too much money and titles (OBE, MBE, CBE, Sir etc) to be made.
or this one which whilst similar in overall outlook is especially important when I use it to compare the UK to Israel for 1* Officer levels -
Looking at the excessive amount of Senior Officers mentioned above, some of them have jobs which make sense and I don't deny that some of these roles are very much needed, but on the other hand there are jobs like "Head of RAF Sport" for example, which apparently needs a person to be paid £115k+ per year (and a 50% pension on retirement), or Attachés to various embassies (again £115k+ per year again), or a single person paid £125k+ just to look after "RAF Scotland" with it's one, single air base and then there's "cross-over" roles where 7 Officers all have the same title i.e "Head of Training" etc.
The reason for this level of "over-Officering" is, and sadly it's a well established trope, that the only people who can create/manage the roles are the same ones who do them, rather than being managed by the MOD, so sometimes (not every-time TBH) they create roles to create extra places just for their low-rank work-mates to get promoted and fill, who then all get a lovely pay bump and a much better pension when they leave, and because its only senior Officers who create roles, its also only them who can cancel the role, which never happens, meaning the senior officer branch gets bigger and bigger every year whilst the number of people in the RAF gets lower. It's all very much "Jobs for the Boys" sadly.
As an example of this, every RAF base this year, which used to be managed by a single Group Captain (1 rank below "General") has now been split into two Group Captain roles - Infrastructure and Flying - so instantly we've created a dozen new Group Captain roles which now need to be filled by a whole bunch of extra Group Captains, all being paid around £95k-105k a year, and a percentage of these extra Group Captains will need to be promoted, meaning that extra Air Commodore (rank equivalent of "General") roles will need to be created for them to move into, creating even more £115k+ jobs which you, me and every other tax payer pays for at a time when the number of people in the RAF keeps dropping further and further - But the Senior Officers on their 6 figure wages and 50% pensions don't care about that, and they're the only ones who can reverse these decisions, and that'll never happen because they're "in on it" for want of a better term as, understandably for them, none would close their own position even if it could instead be combined with another.
Just to put our own bloated senior Officer corps into context - The Israeli Defence Force (Army/Air Force/Navy etc) is similar in size to the UK's Armed Forces (full time) at around 130k-150k people - It only uses 25 "General" rank senior Officers for those 140k people (link). Or how about this, in WW2 the Army had just 362 Generals for over 2.5 Million Soldiers but now still has 210 Generals for just 78,000 Soldiers etc (yes its endemic through-out our whole military, the Navies just as bad too).
2nd - Procurement mismanagement/waste, which is heavily linked to the above, where to ensure the overly bloated 1* and above levels can keep moving on up the promotion chain, most officers will move around to different jobs every 2 to 3 years, meaning none ever become "good" or "experienced" at the role they are currently in. It also leads to a secondary waste, were every time someone moves into a new post they decide that things need to be changed for that person to show that they've done something so that they can use that change as evidence for promotion, meaning people without experience are continually meddling with things "just" because they need to be seen doing "something" for promotion. The amount of waste generally in the military is high, some of which is very understandable, but the procurement waste hits the hardest, not only in money wasted but also in time wasted as plans are continually changed again and again.
Again, using Israel as an example, they have a budget just 1/3 of ours - $75b for UK vs $25b for Israel in 2022 - which is a higher GDP (2.5% UK vs 4.5% Israel) but what they get out of that money, because it is tightly focused and with minimal waste (just like their 1* Officer levels) is far more effective than what we can get, although ours TBF does suffer from various Government leaderships still trying act like a mini "World Police".
So whilst a reduction in 1* Officer levels would "only" save less than £100m, if we could massively reduce our waste, especially in procurement, thats a huge cost saving well past £100m.