I can't believe how fixated this forum has become on 2 dnf for one and another driver needs another to even it up. Since when has that been a criteria? Never on here until this year. I can't believe how hard done by people are coming across, F1 has never been fair. It's a team sport not about an individual.
In 2012 people where not crying foul for Alonso as he had one more DNF than Vettel. You just know if Rosberg beats Lewis by less points than a clear win that's all we will hear about for the next 10 years. I hope they both keep failing and Ricardo nicks it.
Oh and when Rosberg fails again, it won't be fair if Hamilton wins because for one of his retirements Rosberg came 2nd.
People like to see the better more entertaining driver
WHO HAS WON MORE win the championship. If Rosberg, who has been pretty comprehensively beaten on track by Hamilton unless DNF, except at one track where no one can ever over take AND he cheated to get pole position.... wins the title despite winning less races yes, an injustice will have occurred and it's not surprising that people want it to be a relatively fair fight.
If Hamilton was genuinely crap and Rosberg had won 5 races and Hamilton 3 races... it simply wouldn't be the case. While I'd like Hamilton to win, it's not a necessity, I enjoyed Hamilton driving and fighting regardless of where he is in the title race. Alonso was fantastic to watch today and he has zero chance at the title... though he also got a fair boost from his advanced grid position... I don't care all that much about the going out wide thing myself.
He's fun to watch, good, Rosberg gets beaten in every wheel to wheel with Hamilton... so I'd prefer Hamilton to win over Rosberg as the season has currently played out. If Rosberg wins the next 10 races I wouldn't want Hamilton to win the title, he wouldn't deserve it. But all other things being equal if Hamilton wins significantly more races than Rosberg and loses the title on luck of reliability alone(even ignoring Rosberg's cheating) then I'd feel a little cheated, but that is about it.
Before this race Rosberg had finished and scored points in 33% more races than Hamilton.... due to exactly no fault of Hamilton's and he was barely behind. After the first failure Hamilton owned him for four races, Rosberg cheated and the luck turned against Hamilton even more.
Is it shocking to want the title winner to be the best combination of driver/car, and not the best car, the second best driver purely because the other driver got all the bad luck?
It's the same in any sport, a football team who misses a title because of umpteen terrible decisions going against them, or umpteen terrible decisions going for the title win but who didn't really deserve it... a runner who wins because someone else trips the leader and leaves it wide open, the boxer who loses a title due to crap judges.