Brits Brush Off 'Box

Boogle said:
The PS2 may be doing well, but to say the Xbox isn't selling well is definitely incorrect. If it wasn't doing well it wouldn't have so much shelf space.

Hmm... good point but I remember the leader of the next gen console release last time around was the dreamcast and everyone said "ooh how is sony going to catch up in the market after Sega have such a head start". As I recall the dreamcast had loads of shelf space too.

Boogle said:
I'd be more interested in how many GAMES are being sold than consoles. This is where Nintendo score, they make a profit on the small number of consoles they sell, and each person buys far more games than your average PS2 owner. I'd hazard that the number of Xbox games sold isn't that much less than the number of PS2 games. Games show how popular a console is, not the number of consoles sold.

How the hell do you figure out that that the average Nintendo owner buys more games than any PS2 owner? There's more PS2's in the UK than Xbox's and GameCube's put together and for that reason there are far more titles available to buy for the PS2! I don't see your logic on that one. :confused:

Same point again about your comment on the number of Xbox games compared to PS2.
What he means, is that for every Nintendo console owned the number of games sold may (and often is) higher than for the other consoles.

In Japan and the U.S. I think the stats for the DS and PSP were something like DS owners having bought on average 2 or 3 games more than the PSP owners.

When you take into account how most consoles* these days rely on games selling to actually turn a profit that is pretty significant.
If for example MS make a $100 loss per Xbox 360 sold (and that is a very conservative loss), and say $10 per game as "profit" (after game developement/replication/distribution costs) then to break even they are relying on people buying 10 games.
Which is why the number of games sold is an important indicator on how well the system is doing.

It's also why Nintendo for example may not sell as many games as Sony, but may still turn a larger profit and be in a position to sustain their hardware for longer (it's better to sell a million units of hardware and 2 million games making a profit from every item sold, than it is to sell 10 million units of hardware, 20 millions games and not break even).

*Nintendo are the odd man out here, they tend to sell the hardware at a break even (or even make a profit) price from the outset, and so are laughing if people buy more of their games.
Werewolf said:
In Japan and the U.S. I think the stats for the DS and PSP were something like DS owners having bought on average 2 or 3 games more than the PSP owners.

Doesn't that speak volumes about the longevity of the games out on Nintendo systems?
Joebob said:
Doesn't that speak volumes about the longevity of the games out on Nintendo systems?

mayby there the quality of the games are higher and therefor people are buying more of them ?

because not every one runs out and buys a new game every time they finish one.
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I think it’s a Microsoft sales strategy but it’s the worst I have ever seen to do this twice in a row is unbelievable. Then again the fact that they make a loss on the console and make most there money on there games seems to put it in more of a realistic area why build more and waste more money when you don’t know if it going to sell. And if you make enough to satisfy a small customer base you can see how the product does. They have had a lot of returns but the numbers are probably not as bad as we think.
Joebob said:
Doesn't that speak volumes about the longevity of the games out on Nintendo systems?

Longetivity may be a factor but I think the cost of games is lower for the DS compared to the PSP. Also, there are a lot more quality DS games available than PSP games at the moment.
XPE said:
mayby there the quality of the games are higher and therefor people are buying more of them ?

Yeah that could be it, but it's more likely that people get bored of them quicker!
punky_munky said:
Longetivity may be a factor but I think the cost of games is lower for the DS compared to the PSP. Also, there are a lot more quality DS games available than PSP games at the moment.

This actually suprised me, but there are more games available for the PSP than the DS. Most of which are pretty good.
Joebob said:
Yeah that could be it, but it's more likely that people get bored of them quicker!
Well if that were true then the number of second hand DS games would be far greater than second hand PSP games. Going on what I've seen in shops that isn't the case.
punky_munky said:
Well if that were true then the number of second hand DS games would be far greater than second hand PSP games. Going on what I've seen in shops that isn't the case.

Here are the lists from a well know Game's Etailer for the top selling games on both hand helds:

01, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
02, Pro Evolution Soccer 5
03, Need For Speed Most Wanted
04, Peter Jackson's King Kong
05, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
06, WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006
07, Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
08, Pursuit Force
09, FIFA 06
10, Crash Tag Team Racing

01, Sonic Rush
02, Mario Kart DS
03, Nintendogs - Labrador
04, Nintendogs - Chihuahua
05, Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund
06, Space Invaders Revolution
07, The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer
08, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
09, Advance Wars: Dual Strike
10, Spyro: Shadow Legacy

I think that this clearly illustrates that the target market for both are completely different. There is nothing in the DS top ten which appeals much to me because 80% of tiltes are aimed at kids.... then again, maybe you are a kid! I suppose you may have found your way onto this site if your parents dont monitor your internet usage. :p
Am I imagining things or are all the top 10 PSP titles available on PS2 ??

You could argue that several of the DS top titles are available on other consoles, but with touch-screen-ness, wi-fi connectivity and dual screens at least they're gonna be a tad different than their bigger brothers.
GTA:LCS is PSP only, as is persuit force (i think).

IMO the touch screen doesnt work that well, having played metroid with it along with other games when i had a DS.
And as for Wi-Fi the PSP has that in case you didnt know, also seems to work better than the DS counterpart.

The only game i see in the DS list that is DS only (i guess saying this removes GTA:LCS from my list :p) is the nintendogs series... basically an advanced tamagochi aimed at younger kids.
The name "GTA:LCS" may be PSP only but its still only GTA with nothing new that the PS2 versions didn't do right ?
That's what I was hinting at :)

Although Mario Kart has been done on several other consoles, this is the first time its been online, so that ranks as new for me.
Nintendogs is all new.
Sonic Rush has the wi-fi 2 player mode and touch screen mini-game so that's new.
Advance Wars has the battle on 2 fronts and wi-fi connectability to challenge mates and swap levels so that's new.

I'm just saying that more often than not, DS games can't be done on any other console, while PSP games are essentially reduced quality PS2 games as can be seen by looking at most of that PSP top 10.
there's little point in arguing the toss over this. you're never going to change someone else's opinions on it!

personally, i'm 20 years old but all the kiddy games totally appeal to me (and not because they help me entice children into my dungeon) just because they remind me of what i used to play when i was younger and gaming was about having fun.
Moonpie2 said:
The name "GTA:LCS" may be PSP only but its still only GTA with nothing new that the PS2 versions didn't do right ?
That's what I was hinting at :)

Although Mario Kart has been done on several other consoles, this is the first time its been online, so that ranks as new for me.
Nintendogs is all new.
Sonic Rush has the wi-fi 2 player mode and touch screen mini-game so that's new.
Advance Wars has the battle on 2 fronts and wi-fi connectability to challenge mates and swap levels so that's new.

I'm just saying that more often than not, DS games can't be done on any other console, while PSP games are essentially reduced quality PS2 games as can be seen by looking at most of that PSP top 10.

Well going by that logic, all of the PSP games have WI-FI multiplayer which is new to all of them.
Moonpie2 said:
The name "GTA:LCS" may be PSP only but its still only GTA with nothing new that the PS2 versions didn't do right ?
That's what I was hinting at :)

Although Mario Kart has been done on several other consoles, this is the first time its been online, so that ranks as new for me.

GTA:LCS has online play as well which no other GTA game has had. In fact GTA has never even had multiplayer before. So going by your logic GTA:LCS is "more new" than Mario Kart on the DS. ;)

I'm no fan of either TBH. Portable gaming doesn't really appeal to me.
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