BroB9's log

I'm planning to do a mock meet on the 1st of April so can get all my PB's before I turn 18, I think it'll be nice to see what I could do as a "junior".

Deload next week, yeahhhhhhhhh buddy
Nice PB. Have you got someone to do all the commands for the mock meet? You should definitely get some videos.
Alright, this whole log updating business isn't going well. I only seem to remember to update it when I get a PB :o It just doesn't sit that high in my priorities at the moment, maybe one day :)

The plan was do a mock meet just before I turn 18, but I decided to split it across a week instead. So tonight I went for a 1rm on the bench, and the squats and deads will follow sometime next week.

Bench, all working sets paused


5+80 - 13 reps

105 - equal pb from 2 weeks ago
110 - flew up
115 - Didn't even feel like that much of a struggle bit I decided to stop there as my spotter had to leave the gym. There were no other guys in the gym -_-

Flat fly's


Incline Bench


So a 10kg pb from 2 weeks ago, and i've progressed 15kg since the start of the month. Oh and I weighed in at 88.2 kg this morning :O
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167.5 - 2.5kg PB
170 - 5kg PB! I really struggled to get it past my thighs. Will try some rack pulls to try and make me stronger at that point.

DB rows

3x10x40 each side

Super wide grip pull ups

3x8 BW

2 days and 2 pb's :) I'll get round to the squats sometime this week and I will get some videos up :)
Do post the videos. I'm a little bit concerned that a lifter of your training level is struggling when the bar is above his knees. It hints at a bent back.
Do post the videos. I'm a little bit concerned that a lifter of your training level is struggling when the bar is above his knees. It hints at a bent back.

I mean I haven't seen it myself but it feels dead straight, no back pain or anything either.

I spent 6 deadlift sessions at the start of the year doing work on form, so i'd be surprised if it wasn't straight but I'll try and get some videos of my next session.
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It often does feel straight for people with bent backs, but a slow lockout is revealing.

It's also almost always the case that there is no pain until something just goes suddenly, and then it's really gone.

Post the vids!
Okay, no more pb's to report but I did remember to take some videos today!

It was actually my bench day so it's only light stuff but hopefully I can get some feedback.

I'll say what I think needs working on.


After watching, I seem to have a tiny amount of lower back curving at the bottom of the rep and I need to focus on pushing through my heels.


Again, some lower back rounding at the bottom of the rep, and it looks like i need to sit back more into the squat. I also only seem to be hitting parallel on some reps and not all. And again, need to push through my heels more. No excuses but this is the day after my actual leg day so I was fatigued.

Ice, rip into me.
Very promising.

Core is a little bit weak, but not bad. Learn how to squat with a neutral spine rather than starting with lumbar extension.

- keep your chest up as you drive.
- weight on heels.
- keep your knees back as you start the negative portion of the ROM. Having to move the bar around your knees will cause problems when the weight gets heavier.

- hard to say from the angle, but I think you need a slightly wider stance.
- weight on heels.
- as I mentioned earlier, have a neutral spine and generate stiffness with core bracing.
- make sure that your knees are going outside of the line of your big toes.
- create tension with the floor by externally rotating your femurs (point your knees out) and spreading the floor with your feet.

You have an almost perfect foundation with very little dysfunction, don't mess it up! :)
Any tips for keeping my weight on my heels? I do try to but i feel that I sometimes almost actually leave the ground with my heels.

I don't usually have any problems with my knees on deads, think I was just being a bit awkward knowing I was recording myself :p

Will try a wider stance on my next Squat session, thanks! :)
Not keeping the weight on your heels is when squatting is because your stance and flexibility send your centre of gravity forward. So you need to find a way to bring the bar more vertically over your mid-foot, which in your case probably means a slightly wider stance. A video from behind would help work this out.

You can also try literally lifting your toes up.
Once my test levels get back from that of a 3 year old girl and I get rid of this hangover, i'll be having my first session as an adult tonight.

Just to recap the last few weeks, I hit 2 new pb's to give me a new 420Kg total

115 / 140 / 165 -------- [86.4] ---- 420

I've started doing mobility 3 times a week which will hopefully help with my dead and squat technique as they don't seem to be progressing as fast as my bench so far. But I'm not too worried about this, it was only a year ago I was told to not to do any bending over to pick stuff up for 18 months when I fractured a disk so I can't complain!
Ok, so I'm in the process of entering the Lancashire and Cheshire powerlifting champs on the 19th of May.

They say i need "appropriate, sturdy" footwear, a "leotard" and knee length socks. Ice/Lie, got any suggestions on any of these things?

My current plan is to just continue with my 5/3/1 programme, which is kinda good as my deload week is the week before the comp so that should fit in nicely, but if anyone has any better suggestions, i'd be more than happy to listen :P

Ice/Lie, is there a certain percentage of my current maxes I should open with? Or is it just something I know I can do and then push myself after that.

In other news, I can now rep my bench PB of 2 months ago for 5 reps, but i'm not progressing so well with my squat/deadlift :(
Some sort of flat converse like shoe is ideal. A singlet (leotard) is mandatory, LiE bought one more recently than me. Although my glutes may rupture mine now actually...

Definitely don't do 531 up to the comp!

It gives you terrible prep for handling lower reps sets, which is sort of important for a powerlifter :p

Easy basic prep:

Next week:
Work up to an absolute 3 rep max. Try to get a few sets around this weight, aim for 3. This will be for each lift on different days. Normal amounts of assistance. The max weight you get here will be your opener, but obviously this only counts if the reps are comp legal. Oh yeah, start getting commands NOW. This is the one thing you are almost guaranteed to mess up. Practice practice practice.

Week after:
2 rep max, 3 sets again. Do not fail a rep if possible. Slightly reduced assistance

Week after (2 weeks before comp):
Work up to at least 95% for 1 rep on each lift on a different day. Again, try not to fail.

Week before comp:
Monday - work up to your openers. Do nothing else

Weds - do a couple of sets of very comfortable bench doubles. NOT AT MAX. Maybe warm up for squats and deads but don't do any work sets at all.

Friday - nothing

Sunday: Comp Day!
Plan some food for the day. Nothing too heavy or weird either. Don't forget any kit!

Make sure your openers are absolutely guaranteed. You win no prizes for opening too heavy. It NEEDS to be an easy weight.

2nd attempt should be almost your max.

3rd attempt should be your PB, or slightly more if it's feeling good.

DO NOT BE A RETARD WHEN PICKING YOUR WEIGHTS. Lifting in a comp is VERY different to lifting in a gym. Do not expect to PB.
I guess it's about time for a log update

I competed in my first comp last month, results as follows

145 F



T - 425

With it being my first comp I decided I'd not worry about my my weight, the plan was to turn up and learn from the experience. I weighed in at 82.7Kg, so I guess I was kinda lucky there :)

I won the U18 category, 3rd in the U20's and 10th overall, there were 17 people in my category. It was awesome watching the 105's compete and see how they warm up etc, I really enjoyed the day as a whole so I plan on doing some more comps next year once I'm settled into uni life.

I'm most of the way through 11 of my A level exams atm so training is taking a bit of a back seat but I have a few months before going to uni where I can get some serious training back in and make some gainz.

First time deadlifting properly since the comp tonight;

70 x 10 x 2
100 x 5 x 2
112.5 x 5
125 x 10

Super wide grip pull ups
3 x 8 BW

BB rows

Narrow pull downs
91 x 8 x 2
84 x 8

DB single arm rows
30 x 10 x 3

4 sets of curlz

Woah, holy inconsistent set format batman
Sun burn / back progression since February

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