BroB9's log

Sun burn / back progression since February

That's awesome progress there, bro. Back looking hella ripped.

I'll ask one thing though. For somebody who squats 145 and benches 120, I'd have expected a far larger deadlift. Have you not been dead-ing for as long as the other moves?
That's awesome progress there, bro. Back looking hella ripped.

I'll ask one thing though. For somebody who squats 145 and benches 120, I'd have expected a far larger deadlift. Have you not been dead-ing for as long as the other moves?

Strong bench to other lift ratio!

Yeah, I know -_- I feel like I can't put in max effort with the squat/deadlift without compromising form, I'm working on it. I think the main reason my bench is so far ahead is I only started squatting/deadlifting properly in February whereas i've been benching for around a year. I didn't know any better when I started!

Congrats on the comp!

Very good bench for your age. Which federation are you competing in?


Thanks, and thank you for the help getting prepared, I followed your advice where I could. I just wish i'd posted more as I could've done with knowing what to do warm up wise :)
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bar x 10 x 2
40 x 8 x 2
60 x 5
75 x 3
85 x 3
95 x 9 New ~1rm - 123

3 x 10 x 60


3 x 8 x 26

Incline DB Press

3 x 8 30


+20kg x 8 x 3

Feeling good, and I've not been taking creatine/eating well for a good 2 weeks so once that's back in order, I should see even more improvements!
Now that i'm finished for the summer and have nothing to do apart from eat, sleep and lift i've been making allllll kinds of gains. Estimated 1rm's up to 125 for bench, 165 for squat and 180 for deads even though i've been doing mainly hypertrophy work <3. I've found the estimated maxes to be pretty accurate so far so i'm looking forward to my next 1rm session. I'm training 6 days a week at the moment and eating 4.5k cals, super bulk mode initiated.

Ah, nearly forgot! I've developed a bit of a wrist problem, I first noticed it when squating, it's basically a sharp pain in the middle of my wrist joint when it's bent back. It's starting to hurt on heavy bench sets and face pulls now as well. If any of you have any idea what's up I'd love to hear it :)
Before squatting I stretch my pecs and shoulders, I've also widened my grip on the bar. My wrists still aren't straight but it doesn't hurt like it used to. This is a compromise for me as I'm in a constant battle between my tight shoulders/pecs and being able to get my wrists into a good position during squat.

Have a look at the 5 way shoulder stretch, it's basically what I do before any squatting now.
Holy ****


That's 12kg up since June o.0 I know that's not all muscle, but I still have clearly visible abs so I must be making some serious 4.5k cal gains. New PB's in all my lifts too.

Bench 130kg
Squat 155kg
Dead 170kg
OHP 80kg

As I'm basically just eating, training, eating and then sleeping everyday i'd have hoped i'm making gains but this is a bit crazy, thinking I should lower the food intake a little.

Oh and I'm getting some vascularity in my left calf :confused::confused::confused::confused:
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132.5 bench today, very happy with the progress! I'm planning on doing a Bench only comp in October but i'll probably be in the 93's this time so it'll be tougher than my first comp.

94.3kg this morning, and still got abs (ish) :cool:

I'm off to Uni on Saturday so I thought now's a good time to summarise my year as I very much doubt many gains will be made in the gym for a couple of weeks :)

I joined a year ago and posted this amongst other things

"Current state
Around %12 body fat

To give you an idea of my goals, I'd like to be around 90Kg and %10 body fat before uni next year, does this sound feasible?"

I was told by a few people and actually convinced myself that getting to my goal wouldn't be achievable. I weighed in this morning at 95.2Kg, 9.2Kg up from this time last year. I don't think I've hit %10bf, but I still have clearly visible abs and even chest/shoulder/quad striations when flexed. So I guess I didn't actually get to my goal but I'm quite sure with a bit of a cut I can be around 92Kg and ~10% so I have definitely achieved my muscle mass goals of 2012/2013, just not the BF%. It's really helped with my confidence and has attributed to some gains with the ladies ;) *cringe*

Once I figure out what gym equipment i'll have at uni and what food i can afford I'll be drafting up a plan to make some serious strength goals into next year.

Current lifts
B - 132.5
S - 155
D - 180

And finally, my goals for Sept 2014;

If I can get to 97-98kg ish staying around 10-12%bf that would be awesome

B - 150
S - 170
D - 210
Okay, after living the life of a uni slob the last 3 months I've finally got back into the gym. I'm up to 100kg bodyweight now (mostly fat gains since my last update), so i'm going to cut for a few months to get back in shape and then look to make some proper gains next year. My current 1rm's are down to B 105, S 120, D 140 :(
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