I know this could offend you so when I say "no offence" I mean it, I'm not being sarcastic..!
But I find it quite wierd that some peoples parents are like this? I mean like, my Dad wouldn't care less - he knows I wouldn't smash the window with a BB gun on purpose and theres no point getting all irritated about an accident... His reaction would be like;
Me: "Uhm, Daaaadddd" (in a jokey kind of way)
Dad: "Whaattt...?"
Me: "I've kind of broken a window" (followed by an explanation)
Dad: *frown at me* (goes off to inspect the damage) "Hrm okay. Just be careful next time, you sod."
Obviously it's the way I've been bought up, but I always find it wierd when people parents get annoyed about accidents? I know I'm 20 so I don't really "get told off" now, but me Dad's been like that since I can remember - my Mum has too.