Yeah I been thinking about the button and am just going to hide on round the back for now, may change it in the future.
The screws cost me £1 as a sort of intermediate stage, when I see nicer ones I'll try them out. (I did consider the no-screw method mentioned above but for me it detracted from the simplicity of the design - bracing and stuff sounds way too complex for my woodworking skills)
I've made some drive-bay covers out of wood with same finish as on the side but I'm not sure they look that great, I'll try them out but may end up making aluminium ones instead.
Will post more pics of the additions on sunday, at mates house tonight and wishbone ash gig tomorrow so no time really.
Considering project #2 already, possibly an aluminum/perspex guitar amp. If anyone has any knowledge of speaker/amp design, drop me a line!
Cheers for the support guys
PS. As for cooling, intake fan on the base at the front (any good ideas for raising case up? Legs may ruin style)