Well the 7530 for sure is a half decent router in my opinion better then the virgin media super hub 3 for sure which i am able to compare because i have both.
As for the ping, zen internet is much more snappy and quicker when compared to virgin and pings are indeed lower when compared to virgin.
I for one i am getting 50mbps down and 17-18 mbps up.
Thanks Dan. I took the leap and signed up yesterday. Moving because Zen works out cheaper for me actually.
Just saw this.
I am now getting consistent and high performance from my Zen service now we have worked out the creases in the network, mainly at the BT level. 310 downloads and 51 uploads are pretty much the norm when I run a speedtest using fast.com which is the best true indicator I believe.
Hi Housey just read your link.... ouch, the pain.. but glad to see it was worth it in the end as you said "for speed innit?".
Looking foward to my Zen line going live end of this month.
Whats interesting for me right now is that it just so happens I manged to borrow a friends Fritz!box 7530 German version for testing (until Zens Standard issue FB 7530 International Version arrives) with intresting results.
For background, I have been with Vivaciti for 3 years on an 80/20 since we first got FTTC. I'm about 550-575m from my Huwaei FTTC cabinet BDCM (broadcom DSLAM). My RJ11 modem cable is cat5e from a filtered face plate (cable is crimped in)
Now heres where things get interesting for me I have tried quite a few modem routers over the years on FTTC, Draytek (lowest sync speed, errors), Zyxel (meh), Asus 88U (software was rough prone to restarts and stutter), the small Cisco RV134W (nice solid line but very scant GUI that didnt even have an xdsl info tab built in), Billion 8800AXL R2 (meh, prone to slowing down after some time and errors) and most recently an unlocked Tim Hub DGA4132 (speedy but prone to stutter when surfing).
As you can see other than the draytek these are all broadcom xdsl chipset based.
With all these modems the fastest download speeds I had was
Attanable 65-67ish Mbps
Actual 63-67ish other than Draytek which was about 60Mbps
In all cases Upload never exceeded 7-8 Mbps (irresepective)
Now With the FB 7530 my down load speed is 71,01 Mbit/s and upload is 10,770 Mbit/s!!
below is my xDSL info page (in German)
DSLAM-Datenrate Max. kbit/s 80000 20000
DSLAM-Datenrate Min. kbit/s 128 -
Leitungskapazität kbit/s 71057(down) 10773(up) (MAX ATTAINABLE)
Aktuelle Datenrate kbit/s 71019(down) 10770(up) (ACTUAL)
SNR 4 down and 6 up
I find this interesting beacuse my research in trying to get a good modem has always lead back to the rule of thumb that you get best results with a modem with a xdsl chipset matching that of your DSLAM..... the
FB 7530 has an Intel VXR 518 xDsl chipset.... and so far its been 24hrs no errors at all and its the fastest most stable modem for me to date. 7 of us all HD streaming surfing and gaming at the same time.
The only issue I continue to have is awful in-game lag and stutter in Arena of Valor (guilty pleasure

) on Nintendo Switch, even with prioritized port fowarding (poor latency?).
My post may be a bit of a bore for some and of course line stats will always differ from household to household due to the many variables, however for me at least it seems for now the rule of thumb for modem/DSLAM chipset match for best results seems a thing of the past.
At this stage the FB 7530 is actaully a decent piece of kit.
Will report how I get on with Zen and the Interational Version of this modem and also the lag.