People who see ISP's not enforcing court ordered blocking as a plus point are by implication not using VPN's, if they were, they wouldn't be blocked. You state you have (and presumably use) a VPN, but see non blocking as a plus point, that feels like an obvious contradiction If anything I see ISP blocking as a positive, it protects people who don't know better from the implications of poor choices. Little Wilfred doesn't download the latest movie and a rights holder try to take Dad to the cleaners for £4K. The real problem is when people have non blocking ISP's and don't understand that speculative invoicing by rights holders is a thing and the IPA requires the ISP to log all the sites they visit, with no specific date on when that data is purged and seemingly man+dog can access it with the most tenuous of 'needs'.
Either way BT sounds like a reasonable shout, just hope for no need to deal with TS - it's painful at every level.
Those 'enforced court orders' aren't always all they block though - Link 1 Link 2
I do understand your view, and I get no system is perfect. It's just as I said a personal irritation that if I'm paying for something, all access is always better than 'some' access. I want to be able to use it however stupidly or illegally you assume I am using it, if I so choose. Who knows if my VPN provider isn't actually logging and keeping and selling the data they say they aren't anyway.
I feel like our disagreement is derailing the thread though, so I'll stop.
I don't mind phonecalls when I'm getting paid, but when I'm not I can't stand it