Don't care about the queen or the royal family, but it is a national landmark, and it would be a shame for it to fall to ruin. Even the froggies have pumped money into the old royal palaces in France as they understand the importance of heritage and history.
Wouldn't this just come from the revenues of the Crown Estate? They made a few hundred million profit last year, IIRC.
In b4 the myth that the monarchy brings in more money from tourism than it uses.
(Tip: That statement is false).
Wait, I was too late.
Also doesn't the queen have billions worth in property? i'm not exactly sure why this money has to come from the taxpayer....(Cause it always seems that it does when it's anything that requires spending, uh oh gotta get taxpayers to front it despite my billions!).
Not quite about things anymore.... feels a bit like it's a troll. BRB working my 6.50 hour zero hour contract job (Which she endorses thank god! /sarcasm), queen needs a refurb though! glad to pay towards that!
I mean that is true, it's a national landmark, I just get confused.... she gets to live there why doesn't she front the bill? may be a national landmark but it's not like we live there (I mean that's not entirely a valid point we don't all live at stone henge but I'd pay for it's upkeep sure). More my point being it's not as if the monarchy don't have enough money to sort it out.... oh poor them all those billions!
What about all the other historical sites around the UK I don't think the govt funds the upkeep of all of them do they? correct me if i'm wrong, normally they charge to see places and the money goes towards the upkeep. Why is the monarchy any different?
Also with all the austerity cuts to hard workers, police cuts etc, they can't sit there and be serious about this? surely?
Funny that. I'm 40 years old and have yet to receive a cheque.
How many people here would actually willingly donate money to this if you had a choice (which you don't)?
I would.
No problems here. We can't have old Lizzy living in sub-standard accommodation!
60+ years since last refurbishment, and related toruism/trade revenue from the Monarchy will more than pay for it!
I think I read in the news it's costing each person in the UK 59p - I don't mind paying that.
O'rly? They have billions... to spend? I doubt it. Where did you get your info about what they bring in vs what they spend? I hope it takes account for every penny those tourists spend and the vat off it. They're not here for the weather!
Edit: Also all the surrounding businesses that then get taxed on profits, the wages they pay that get taxed and then spent (and taxed again). Tourism must generate billions every year.
Few rolls of woodchip
In b4 the myth that the monarchy brings in more money from tourism than it uses.
(Tip: That statement is false).
£150m for a refurb, they shopping at Harrods?
They should get down to Wilko. Few rolls of woodchip, a tin of gloss, get some Polish builders in to work cash in hand and save a fortune.
There are no stats to back it up on either side but personally I do not believe the Royal Family creates a profit for the country. If we didn't have them I don't think tourism would see a significant drop.