Budget 2500K First Time Build

45 days and 86 posts until access to the Members Market. :)

I'll have the core of my build done by then, but after that I'll hopefully get a GPU, better PSU and a big HDD for cheap.
Ok, so I'll probably get the motherboard this week sometime.

I also just snagged a big commercial 180cm desk for £5 of the bay.
1) It's £5.
2) I wanted a bigger desk.
3) It's not that far away and can be dismantled so it'll fit in my car so I don't need to hire a van.
4) It's £5.

My current desk is 60cm x 100cm and this one is 80cm x 180cm. Nice.

Taken from ebay:

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One question for anyone reading this, will I need to buy any other little bits to complete the build? I'm thinking cables or screws or something? I saw the case has come with mobo mounting screws/risers or whatever they're called. Will I need anything else to get it up and running besides what I have listed in the OP?
Thanks. Yeah, I actually bought the CPU and RAM on November 1st, so it's getting on nearly 2 months now! lol Just trickling funds is the rate limiting step here. :D
Was thinking about painting the interior and modding for cable management for the Antec 300. But I probably won't for now. To do the case right will take at least a full day or more and it's pretty much just for aesthetics. Pointless for a PC that doesn't have a window and is going under the desk anyway.

Plus that's more money for a dremel, sand paper and paint. I could buy a better PSU for that. And better PSU will be the next purchase before I try running a GPU on it.
I may save that for a summer project. Just too busy right now, technically even too busy to be doing this right now. :D
GA-Z68AP-D3 Motherboard - ordered. There are only a few left in stock at this price (£76.99) from the place I ordered. It's rev 1.0. I think rev 2.0 only has a some storage device changes which didn't look important to me.

Probably will come hopefully before new year.

That's just the SSD left and I'm done for now to get it up and running. After that will be an upgraded PSU, HSF and GPU roughly in that order.

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Not going to get an optical drive for now as I'll install Linux from a bootable USB for now.

Actually not sure now if I should install Linux or W7 first and if it makes a difference. Hmmm... I'll think about that.
I'm debating this now. I'm getting a 64GB SSD and using a crappy 2.5" 500GB HDD.

SSD main + HDD storage


HDD main + SSD caching?
Also will have to buy a HDMI-->DVI cable or adapter. Looks like the motherboard only has a single HDMI output. I think this means I can only run 1 monitor with the integrated graphics too. That's unfortunate, I thought there would at least be another DVI or VGA output for another monitor. Ah well, only a minor problem since I don't have another monitor yet anyway, and by the time I'd get another I will have probably gotten a GPU too.
I see what you mean about my pics, yours look sharp!
Nice build in progress too

Most of that's technique - just make sure you've got plenty of light and be really still. If you have to shoot in low light, put the camera on something steady (table, book, chair etc) and put it on a 10 sec timer.
Sitting at desk for hours on end revising for stupid exams in the winter makes my feet freezing! I'm gonna overclock my 2500K on the stock cooler and run stress tests all day with the side panel off next to me feet for warmth. :p

Or just get a small heater.
Sadly, I am. :(

I wasted my first week off pretty much and did nothing. Now I'm behind and will have to go through about 10 lectures a day to catch up. I'll probably only manage 5-6 today. :(
Need to leave a note on the door for the postman to NOT throw the next parcel (motherboard) over the back gate if no one answers the door! We've been having him do that lately because it's only been clothes or non-fragile things recently.

Don't want a repeat of this:

Seriously now considering saving up for the Crucial M4 128GB SSD. That's £150 instead of £80 though. I've seen the odd 64GB go for under £60 on the bay, which I would consider getting. Don't remember seeing many 128GB ones though. I will keep an eye out.
Just had a look. If I don't count the monitor and SSD (since I have a HDD and TV I could've used), I built this for less than £300. With the monitor and SSD it will still come in under £500. Happy with this.
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