Build 5 TJ07

The part addiction continues!!!. The XSPC bay res was great in my 800D. In the TJ07 with its simple panel design I find the resonance too audible and the front panel doesn't look right due to the slightly oversize bay res.

I've gone for a pump top and single bay res. I'm going to try and hide the res so the front is cleaner.

I thought the bitspower top only took 3/8 thread size, did you use adapters?
Update, Got bored of the red system. Not sure on it yet may need a touch of Orange in the MDPC cables

It's white tubing mate, his coolant is orange judging by the gpu screen and the ram block

Very nice though mate, whats it running now? looks like ivybridge and a titan?

Thanks all,

It's a 3770K and a 780. Sold my 680's as 1 GPU is better for my software. My GENE has been donated to a 350d media pc
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