Build for Nephew (Budget Inside!)

Last question I promise before ordering hah can you recommend any different cases same price difference? want the best on offer for cooling not really fussed what it looks like tbh!
haha I may have budgetted him to be able to go with the I5, ill try it stock if it runs hot ill get an aftermarket cooler later thanks though!

I would be interested in getting your opinion on my own build though, the one in my siggy runs in a h440 case, and seems to be blowing out a quite a bit of hot air when playing games like h1z1? suppose mine is set up on 1440p mind! just seemed strange that it was running quite warm/loud when my headsets not on!

(sorry to hijack my own bloody thread to ask you another question mind!)
@Mrjobby could you help me ordered the built got it up but the m2 ssd how the heck do I install windows to it? when I try it says I need a driver? never had this sort of problem with a standard SSD so im slightly confused! :)
@Mrjobby could you help me ordered the built got it up but the m2 ssd how the heck do I install windows to it? when I try it says I need a driver? never had this sort of problem with a standard SSD so im slightly confused! :)
did you sort this?
what version of windows are you installing as Ive not had this problem with Windows 10
sorry for late reply guys yeah got this sorted, just went with windows 10! as windows 7 couldn't use the drive even though it could see it basically ha.
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