Build log of "Unobtainable" - X79 in a white Bitfenix Prodigy

I'm in awe. That fluid is a gorgeous colour (from colourblind bloke) love that you even cooled the ram. Can't wait to see the UV...and temps!
Fantastic build mate! I've very impressed! Thinking about going this route myself, miniature all the way!
So here is the pictures of the build with UV light on.

It is pretty deficult to take really good a UV picture (looks better in real life), I will try some more settings, but if any of you got some please share :D

Maybe some more light around the build next time



I cant show the GPU side without the side, since that where the LED strip is placed:

But then it's good I got a window right ;)





Again it looks better in real life.
So if you got any setup/setting for the camara (Canon EOS 7D) please let me know :D

I have also just gotten windows installed on the Raid 0 with the SSD's.

Iwill do some bench and post result along temps. And of course with som OC :D

Got any bench program you like me to run?
Thanks all.

Some people asked about the windows (no pictures, sorry). But here is a short "How I did it":

The windows I have made myself along with my dad and the machines he got.

The holes in the side panel were the easy part. Drilled four holes at each corner of where the windows is going to be (we used a 13 mm drill) and then gut the rest with Jigsaw.

Window was a bit trickier. We could have made it easy by just clue it on, but it wouldn't give a smooth transition from side panel to window.

So we cut the 3 mm Plexiglas with 1-2 cm more than the holes dimensions. Then we used a big stationary saw to take away approx. 1 mm of thickness of the glass in that 1-2 cm out of the holes dimensions, and then we filed the corners round. And the we clued the side on leaving us with a smooth transition :thumb:

Also if you consider doing these windows, the make both sides big and cover the I/O panel on the left side and use two of something like these in to top or something:

(Look back, that I should have done, since the I/O panel is a pain in the ass to work with when the side is getting of and on because of the rad and fan...)

I would also like to give you some more pictures and bench + OC and temps (have been getting some settings I will try out), but my front fan ran only with 600 RPM at maks speed out of 900 rpm that it should, silent but not that much air being pushed.. so I bought a new one, coming in tomorrow :D
(the other one have been taken out and played around with until it broke)...
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Hi guys

I have tried to take some more show pictures of Unobtainable.
(still trying to get the perfekt UV picture. might go with some external UV light next time).

Because I got a Non EK reservoir I can't enter the Limited CSQ catagori (but the Open CSQ), which clearly is the best place to be put (less competition and way better prizes).
(And i can't use the reservoirs that EK makes since the are 60mm in diameter which i 5 mm to much).

So by removing the reservoir and the two non EK motherboard waterblocks I will then enter the Limited CSQ catagori.
Course I'm here to WIN :D

So now I know what the rest of my night will look like :rolleyes:

I will link to the new system on ones it up, and still hope you will vote on it even though its missing two small blocks and a reservoir.

About bench and temps, I have out of the blue problems with leak from the flow meter :(
Havent got time to check why it leaks, but I will get it done ASAP.
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Stunning! I have to admit, when I first saw that motherboard, I thought it was going to look awful, because even as ugly as ITX boards generally are, standard it look like a right dog. You've done such a good job of painting it and colour coding everything, and drawing attention away from the board with the braiding and watercooling. This is the first time I can remember being properly impressed with a build that wasn't a "heavy" case mod.
Stunning! I have to admit, when I first saw that motherboard, I thought it was going to look awful, because even as ugly as ITX boards generally are, standard it look like a right dog. You've done such a good job of painting it and colour coding everything, and drawing attention away from the board with the braiding and watercooling. This is the first time I can remember being properly impressed with a build that wasn't a "heavy" case mod.

Thanks very much.

I did also hate the colors that Shuttle had made on that motherboard.
But I feel that the paint job turned out very well.

Now I just need to stop it leak from the flowmeters fittings, and I'm good again (got the new 200 mm fan installed).

Hopefully it just some O-ring problem..
Because I got a Non EK reservoir I can't enter the Limited CSQ catagori (but the Open CSQ), which clearly is the best place to be put (less competition and way better prizes).
(And i can't use the reservoirs that EK makes since the are 60mm in diameter which i 5 mm to much).

So by removing the reservoir and the two non EK motherboard waterblocks I will then enter the Limited CSQ catagori.
Course I'm here to WIN :D

So now I know what the rest of my night will look like ;)

I will link to the new system on ones it up, and still hope you will vote on it even though it missing two small blocks and a reservoir.
Stunning! I have to admit, when I first saw that motherboard, I thought it was going to look awful, because even as ugly as ITX boards generally are, standard it look like a right dog. You've done such a good job of painting it and colour coding everything, and drawing attention away from the board with the braiding and watercooling. This is the first time I can remember being properly impressed with a build that wasn't a "heavy" case mod.

seconded! It's difficult to appreciate how much work goes into cramming everything in - it's not very apparent, but I have some idea having watercooled a shuttle unit previously...
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