Build or test outside the case?

look guys, PC's just aint that fragile, i mean i know people say they are but aside from a couple of flawed DFi boards and one ASUS board that was killed by a cheapie PSU i have NEVER (touch wood) killed a component! I wance knocked a GeForce 6800U off of a third story windowledge. Re-attached the HSF and it worked fine for many years!! Honestly, theres no need to namby-pamby around components so much, as long as you take the same precaustions as you would around other electrical components you'll be just fine i promise.
When running the Rig outside the case on a AS bag you have to be careful that you don't pull/snag any of the connecting cables as this can then move the mobo and cause something to short onto surrounding metallic components!!

But provided you are careful then running the rig like this is perfectly safe, just take your time and don't rush anything.
Just seems silly to build it outside the case, then put it in the case? Aslong as you use the proper brass/plastic stand-offs your aren't going to short anything.

Waste of time to build it outside the case, IMO. Jumpers are easy to get to if you remove the case side panel?

bryn said:
"most intelligent users will setup and overclock their hardware outside of their case first in order to find a stable overclocked speed before doing a clean case install"

Maybe that should be "most patient users" or "users most likely to balls the install up"
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I've never bothered building outside the case... I just stick it all in and hope for the best:D Does help having a removable motherboard tray though, I can stick everything in, then just slide the whole lot in the back and plug it in:)
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