Wow, How much would building a HPTX Case cost?
With two CPU's, would there be any reason to overclock though?
The primary use will be keeping records of purchases and having receipt scans and also programming, some gaming, but mostly programming. Also I wanna build one because then I know where all the pieces are from and if there is a problem I can fix it. are you talking about the case I poorly designed?
Good Idea, but you've got to admit that upgrading overtime is more fun? but I might just do a separate build
Got a new micro ATX case for free and a new monitor + mouse, What I need now is suggestions for micro ATX case Graphics Cards? any help? I did buy a new microsoft mouse from here, and opticle drive. I'm not using them in this build but I will use them. I'll post pictures of my new case and putting the motherboard in it on sunday.
My new computewr has these specs:
Intel Duo Coe 1.86GHz 64bit
Intel Intergrated Graphics
5GB 240 Pin DDR2 RAM
Windows 7 Pro 32bit
Micro ATX RM Case