Our house has 2 gates at the moment. Both are "open" and don't really give much privacy. This is annoying as we get lots of dog walkers going down the private lane who can see into our garden and also riles up my dogs who spot someone and go legging it over to the gate to try and say hello.
It's been ~12 months now since my wife has been asking for new gates and is now threatening to pay someone to come and do it.....So i need to actually get on with making them.
One gate goes over a fairly narrow "Drive" and the span is around 3m. The plan is to change this to a double gate which is hinged at each side. The other gate is at the front and whilst it's fine as it is, it makes sense for them to match.
So 3 gates needed
2 x 155cm x 140cm gates for the drive
1 x 170cm x 130cm gate for the front path
My initial plan was to build a frame using Mortice and Tenons using 3" x 3" posts and then rebate out a grove to fit 5" x 7/8" T&G boards inside and brace using some 4" x 1". I thought this would look decent as the T&G boards would be recessed with a lip and so should look quite nice.
I've just been speaking to a local timber place who make gates to order, who said they use 4x2 as the outer frame and then 5" x 5/8" T&G and brace using 4" x 1.5". This confused me a bit as surely the combination of T&G and brace is too thick for the frame.
Therefore my questions are
1 - Is 3" x 3" too thick for the frame and should i use either 3x2 or 4x2?
2 - Do i actually need to brace the gate if i'm going to be recessing the T&G parts into the frame and given that the gates themselves aren't huge?
3 - The plan is to use PSE Redwood as whilst i'd love to use Cedar it's not very easy to get hold of and presumably more expensive. What is recommended to treat it? I'm not sure my wife wants to paint them so something as a light stain is needed i reckon. Would prefer not to have to re-do it too often if possible. (Will be doing a dry fit and then applying the stain to each piece so should get good coverage in the grooves)
4 - Am i stupid to hope that a cheap Aldi table saw will be able to cut my Dados without the fence moving all over the place (Haven't used it yet but bought it cheap)
It's been ~12 months now since my wife has been asking for new gates and is now threatening to pay someone to come and do it.....So i need to actually get on with making them.
One gate goes over a fairly narrow "Drive" and the span is around 3m. The plan is to change this to a double gate which is hinged at each side. The other gate is at the front and whilst it's fine as it is, it makes sense for them to match.
So 3 gates needed
2 x 155cm x 140cm gates for the drive
1 x 170cm x 130cm gate for the front path
My initial plan was to build a frame using Mortice and Tenons using 3" x 3" posts and then rebate out a grove to fit 5" x 7/8" T&G boards inside and brace using some 4" x 1". I thought this would look decent as the T&G boards would be recessed with a lip and so should look quite nice.
I've just been speaking to a local timber place who make gates to order, who said they use 4x2 as the outer frame and then 5" x 5/8" T&G and brace using 4" x 1.5". This confused me a bit as surely the combination of T&G and brace is too thick for the frame.
Therefore my questions are
1 - Is 3" x 3" too thick for the frame and should i use either 3x2 or 4x2?
2 - Do i actually need to brace the gate if i'm going to be recessing the T&G parts into the frame and given that the gates themselves aren't huge?
3 - The plan is to use PSE Redwood as whilst i'd love to use Cedar it's not very easy to get hold of and presumably more expensive. What is recommended to treat it? I'm not sure my wife wants to paint them so something as a light stain is needed i reckon. Would prefer not to have to re-do it too often if possible. (Will be doing a dry fit and then applying the stain to each piece so should get good coverage in the grooves)
4 - Am i stupid to hope that a cheap Aldi table saw will be able to cut my Dados without the fence moving all over the place (Haven't used it yet but bought it cheap)