Have a look out for agricultural IBC tanks, they store 1000l in a cubic metre, so a bit more space efficient, you can stack them too.
Wow those are pretty cool, thanks for that!
Have a look out for agricultural IBC tanks, they store 1000l in a cubic metre, so a bit more space efficient, you can stack them too.
OP why not do the electrics yourself? Looks pretty simple from the diagram.
Any reason why you didn't run multiple CAT5 cables to your cabin?
Looking damn fine
What size was your original mains supply supply cable? I'm planning a 20amp supply (with 4mm twin and earth in armoured) into a consumer unit that will be sparked up for both lighting and mains
Jesus - a 40 amp supply can give 9600 watts or so - just what the hell are you running in there - are you growing stuff that needs hydroponics and lots of light and heat?
I'd still be interested to know what your initial cables thickness was - this can really affect how much current draw/wattage you can draw
a log cabin to me should be made from big chunky logs, but that's personal choice.
Cracking job on the design and build though
Out of interest what did you use to lay the tiles? I had my bathroom floor tiled and over time the twisting of the wooden floor (which was covered in another sheet of wood for support) cracks all the grouting, just wondering if you used some kind of flexible stuff.
if you run the cables in a bit of drainpipe under the concrete, you can pull though additional cables later. Remember to put a bit of string through first.
What do you do for a living?
very well planned & thought out build. Just watch that water harvesting in the winter.
EDIT: Lt_Red: Is their any thing you would change or do differently?
I'm curious, does that mean if someone bought a few acres of farmland cheap, they could build a log cabin similar to yours without needing planning permission?
I bet it smells awesome inside.
When my water buts freeze its not too thick a layer of ice, you also tend not to get rain when its freezing so its never been a problem.