Building a Log Cabin

Oh, and I just realised.. This is a rare scenario that a noob delivers on OCUK!

Thanks for the comment, but;

I have been lurking for 2 years... I just try not to post rubbish. Does that make me a noob? ;)

[edit] In fact I've been taking part in this forum 17 months longer than you have - NOOB ;)
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Lt-Red: My dad told me a little trick which helped my water butts (not as large as your admittedly) survive the freeze last winter. I popped a tennis ball into each one, then when they froze the ice expansion was negated by the compression of the ball (quite noticeable actually) and thus the plastic was saved. Hurrah!
I hope that helps just a little bit. :)

What a great tip! Thanks man :)

Cheers for the comments guys.
Hows it handling this cold weather we are getting? Are the thick boards providing enough insulation on their own?

Sorta is the long and the short of that. It does not get quite as cold as outside, but it does get cold. That said stick the oil heater on for a 20 mins and it keeps warm all day.
YAY! I finally got round to sorting out the images links. A few are missing but here's a selection that were not originally included:

This is what I started with:

Here's the demolition in full flow:

I burnt it bit by bit, late into the night:

What was left:

Whilst excavating I distributed the spoil around the garden to level it all out:

A diggin' in me digger:

So its been 2 years. Any problems?

Well the spiders are not too bad - but the daddy loglegs are a nightmare! Loads of the gits.

Its pretty well insulated overall, keeps cool and keeps heat in when its needed. But it gets HOT after about 3pm in summer and keeps hot even after its cooled outside if you don't have a fan and all the windows and doors open. Also its very cold in the winter mornings before firing up the heaters - then its cosy all day/night.

Had a few slightly warped or distorted logs - nothing too serious. The door hanging is a bit more of an issue as the weather warms and cools - doors stick or hang loose depending on weather and need constant adjustment (grrr).

Other than that still pretty pleased with it, although it will need another coat of paint by next year...
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Yeah tell me about it, the boy is growing so quickly, where has the time gone? The "Shed" is still looking fantastic though :) (actually I can answer that - in a blurr of sleepless nights, work and mayhem, interspaced by coverings of poo and spag bol).

Recommend doing it if you have the real estate. Well worth the money.
Hello again. Here it is now:

Heres the inside of the back room:

I finally conceded that its too hot in the summer afternoons and too expensive to heat in the winter using electric strip heaters, so I installed a heating and cooling A/C unit:

...and built a little shelter for the inverter over the back - glad I made the base bigger than the shed. Still need to net the sides to keep the cedar tree splines and general insects out of it:

If you want to know anything else, lemme know. Ta,

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