I do have 5mm LED holes in the top of both reservoirs and I put some XSPC LEDs in there but they are not strong enough to light up the res. I havent come across those lightport fittings before. I just did a brief search but couldnt find what I need so far.
I also seem to have a weird PSU issue too.
When I power on the PC, the PSU shuts down after 2 secs, then after another 3 secs it comes back on again and the PC boots into windows. Temps etc all look normal the PC behaves fine from then on, no burning smell etc.
Note that this only happens if I had the PSU power switch at the rear in the off position initially and then I switch it to the on position before I power on the PC.
If I shutdown the PC via Windows and I power on again, while keeping the PSU rear switch in the on position, the power up sequence is ok.
Its a corsair 1200w PSU. Surely if there was a short somewhere the PSU will power on/off continuously? And it seems strange that the issue only occurs after cycling the rear PSU switch.
I have virtually the same set up as you, mine does exactly the same thing on start up.
As pgi stated, 8pack confirmed this as normal