well mine is completely off haha. I'm about 13% bodyfat at the minute. not too bothered as I'm using calipers most of the time.mine seem fine £25 salter ones
18% body fat I think lol...
usually hoovering around 58-62% hydration which I think is totally normal.
only about 1 stone over weight though maybe a bit more.
I'm not fat/chubby but I'm not exactly skinny either so I'd guess that's roughly correct, the body fat slowly rises as my weight does and slowly goes down as expected.
haha yeah I struggled to make proper sentences. I was running after the baby at the same time and it took me about 20min to write that sentenceI think I know what you're trying to say, but that's not how I'd describe it at all!
Bioelectrical impedance is a very unreliable method for gauging body fat. If you can control all of your hydration variables (not as stated by the scales...) at best you can measure trends.