*** Bundymania Watercooling Parts & Systems Thread ***






Loving the Lamptron effort. The Barbs look really nice. The clips are a great alternative to the norm but the finish looks a bit sloppy. That could be a high end lense highlighting the imperfections perhaps.

Would be good to see these items together round a tube. Those 1/2" clips are pretty big in the flesh I would think.
I've literally just this evening emailed Ricardo @ coldzero to see if he can put custom graphics on a VGA backplate....guess those pics answer my question :D
Liking the white endcaps on the res. Do you know if they will be commercially available?

My system has done nearly a year on the pastel blue....... it's time for the annual drain and re-work. I have the mayhems white here waiting - an entire white bar for a res would look pretty good.

eta: The lamptron fittings look neat.
Ah I see the old school EK logo now, thought for a second someone had started making new nice plexi blocks again :p

Case looks like it has some potential, shame yet another case without XL-ATX support :D

Really like those AlphaCool ram blocks though.
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