I currently have a 1tb drive in a 5.25" adapter in my Q07 and it's making a bit of noise, may have to have a go at this again. Only problem is the Lian Li mounting system doesn't lend itself well to this kind of mod.
You mean this one?
Not entirely sure what you mean. The benefit of P clips would be to secure the drive rather than to attach the bungee cord to the case, as I imagine you mean.had a quick look at the Q07 on their website and might be able to work the p clip mod.
if i've got the picture right theres a small drive case at the top of the case, should be able to attach p clips to that using washers, then let the drives hang free on the bungee cord, with small seperators to allow air flow between the drives.
Yeh I was gonna say that photo is mine from my old Gigabyte Aurora!No, not the link - the image embeded in the text is my old case
you can see the side of the HHD cage in this shot below
Edit: Doh! ignore me it's not my case at all
just looks near identical inc the HHD's
I've never used p clips myself - that's a internet images to show what I ment
they work well for cable management aswell