Burns suck :(

probably won't leave a scar.

I've had similar burns from oven trays/inside of my oven many times.

currently have one on my middle finger
I burned my armpit once when I was ironing a shirt. Do you realise how hard it is to walk totally-not-robot with a burnt armpit?!
I burned my armpit once when I was ironing a shirt. Do you realise how hard it is to walk totally-not-robot with a burnt armpit?!

You bought an Ironing Board since I hope, don't iron the clothes whilst you're bloody wearing them.
The only more disproportionate (damage to pain ration) injury than burns that I’ve experienced is dental pain.

whilst i won't deny dental pain is horrific (with the caveat my dental pain is mostly from my dentists obsession with trying to use the minimum amount of injections)

what is really disproportionate? fingernails, in terms of amount of agony from damage to a not particularly useful/relevant bit of the body.
what is really disproportionate? fingernails, in terms of amount of agony from damage to a not particularly useful/relevant bit of the body.
Toenails too. My wife said an ingrowing big toenail is more painful than giving birth.
I once grabbed the handle of a stainless steel pan that had been in the oven for a few hours, lead to a really nasty burn across my palm and inside of my fingers.

Found that slathering it in sudocreme and sticking a nitrile glove on to keep it from drying out really sped up the healing process :)
what is really disproportionate? fingernails, in terms of amount of agony from damage to a not particularly useful/relevant bit of the body.

Speaking a sufferer of terminal eczema, I find fingernails to be the single most useless body part there is. If there was a way to have them extracted so they wouldn't grow back I'd be on it in a shot. Once, while waiting to see my dermatology consultant, I got speaking to a woman in the waiting area who was halfway through having her fingernails on one hand removed due to infection, apparently they were soaking them in some liquid before removal, and even though she said the pain was excruciating I seriously thought about asking the consultant if it was possible for me to have the same thing done.
Burnt myself with the soldering iron a few times at oven type temperatures - never had a scar from it (annoying when it happens as I'm normally extremely precise and careful - but the odd time it happens even when you think you are being super careful).

EDIT: On a related note when I was at school one kid in D&T was being bullied by another he eventually snapped, held the other kid down and held a soldering iron vertically to the top of his lip just below the nose - did a lot of damage - I just remember the teacher was practically in shock and not sure how to react.

When I was a baby I pulled a boiling kettle over myself and had pretty bad burns down my right arm - had scars until I was about 11 when they faded (the skin is still a little marked by it but you wouldn't know from looking at it unless told - it just looks like natural variation now).
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(yes, cooker, I was taking out a roasting tray and caught my hand on the shelf above)

Given the elongated shape of it, I was going to guess carelessness with a soldering iron!

Edit: Not the first to mention soldering iron I see, now I've read thread!
I managed to pour boiling water all over my hand one time, misjudged where the pipe was to fill up my pot noodle :( My god that hurt. Took ages to heal.
Might I suggest some grill armour gloves.

You can grab hold of anything that's come out of the oven for quite some time before you can start to feel it getting warm.

iirc the ones I've got you can hold 600C for something like 10 seconds, and dropping down to more normal temperature of 200C for maybe 45 seconds.
Burns do indeed suck, as do the horrific looking scabs that appear once the blister has popped.
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