Business Website

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
My wifes setting up a business and needs a fairly basic website created. Just a home page, and about her page and then links to her facebook page and to upload pictures and news.

I did a quick search and found a comment saying that Go Daddy suck which made me wonder who was recommended?

My mum creates websites and had previously made one in dreamweaver but I think my wife wants something a lot simpler that she can just log into an online server and update things easily.
vidahost or TSOhost are usually recommended on here. For what you want you might get away with a free server such as 000webhost and just buy a domain to start if you want to keep costs low.

Avoid dreamweaver.

You sound like you want a simple package, use wordpress. Set it up to have a static front page and a blog. If your wife can use word she can use wordpress.
Sounds like you want something simpler than hosting your own Wordpress site. Take a look at, it's wordpress but they host it. You can still pick your own theme and have your own domain etc.
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Cheers guys, I agree that wordpress seems to be the wat forward here, just wasn't sure of the best way to go about hosting it.

I've got my mums help so don't mind going to separate providers for ease. Just didn't want to be stung with £15 a month charges from someone like 1and1!
I am not sure about support and installation help you will get with wordpress. If you are willing to host your own wordpress domain you can try they cost just 14.99 per year for basic site with one click auto installer for wordpress plus a good support to help you if you are stuck ,available whenever you want.
Great, thanks guys. I think I’m more than capable (Big words!) of sorting out the domain and hosting myself so will definitely explore those options.

For the wordpress side, am I right in thinking that I still create the actual site on the wordpress site, using their themes etc and then migrate that over to another hosting company? If so how does Wordpress actually make any money from the service?
No, if you want to host and manage everything yourself then you go to and download the files, which you then upload to your hosting. They've got comprehensive documentation on installing and configuring your own wordpress installation.

Or you let do all of the back end work and lose a bit of flexibility.

Here's an article which goes into more detail:
The difference is, using a platform like Wordpress requires the knowledge and time to set up.
If there's a theme on Squarespace you like, then setting it up will only take you an evening and you have it's full benefits of content editing right there, plus the fact you can add e-commerce on to it should you wish in the future.

If you outgrow it in a year, no harm done, just get rid and build something up yourself.
Cheers Hutchy, after downloading Wordpress I'm not sure whether I have the time/inclination to learn how to do what I need which started to point towards Wix/Squarespace.

Annoyingly they charge an extra premium for an email address. Is there another way to get a domain linked email without paying around an extra $50/yr?
I would instead use that money to get a google apps business account and set up your domain name that way so you can have a Gmail email address with your domain name.
find a free wordpress template you like (or buy one)

Create a word doc that lays out what pages you want and the content/images.

Fire it over to me along with an admin account login/password and i'll spend an hour getting it sorted for you. Or a little longer if you've nothing set up at all yet :)

Seriously, it is super easy to use once it's initially set up :)
find a free wordpress template you like (or buy one)

Create a word doc that lays out what pages you want and the content/images.

Fire it over to me along with an admin account login/password and i'll spend an hour getting it sorted for you. Or a little longer if you've nothing set up at all yet :)

Seriously, it is super easy to use once it's initially set up :)

That's insanely generous of you, although we've not really got much of an idea of layout/content in mind yet.

I've been doing some further reading and have setup a pretty basic Wordpress site on their regular site ( which I think helps show me I can get something going at least to use as a starting point.

I'll sign up with a hosting company and see how I get and just use you guys if I get stuck rather than throwing in the towel entirely :)

EDIT - Am I right in thinking that if I create something from scratch and host it myself, it won't include the "Blog at wordpress" and theme links at the bottom?
Well, here if you need help with it :)

Just grab some paper and plan it out first, it's so much easier that way :D

And yes, if you create your own site on your own hosting then those links won't be there. You'd normally edit the footer to include your own business information, address etc :)
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