Button Phobia

21 Apr 2003
Discovered this the other day - apparently it's a fairly common phobia.

Well less of a phobia, more of an extremely intense disgust of buttons. Independently, those who suffer from this come up with really similar conclusions:

* the thought of touching one is like touching a cockroach, truly disgusting
* they're bad enough on shirts, but when handing from a thread or bereft of shirt altogether, they're even worse
* the worst kind are the little shiny white ones with holes in them
* there's no problem with the metal kind of riveted buttons you get on jeans


Babies and children seem to have this fear from birth, or a very young age. It generally isn't associated with any button-trauma. This has truly interested me - does anyone here suffer from this, or know someone who does?
One of my mate doesn't like buttons, he's ok with them on shirts and clothes but not when it are on its own. I've known him for 15 years and only found out last September ! So at Christmas pub crawl I bought a bag of buttons, gave them to all the lads and through out the evening we leave them around the table in pubs and sneak a few in his pocket :p He just flicks them away. :D
i've never heard of that. it would certainly explain why i'm crap at undoing jeans on another person...that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
sara said:

Babies and children seem to have this fear from birth, or a very young age. It generally isn't associated with any button-trauma. This has truly interested me - does anyone here suffer from this, or know someone who does?

I can't for the life of me imagine what a button based trauma would be.
I understand this. They're squeaky and horrible. Imagine rubbing one against a cloth and hearing the squeak :o
i have a ( kind of ) phobia from spotty things... like marks on giraffs backs.
i dont mind looking at them but it kind of gives me goose bumps thinking of them....
Description: http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1762971

Experiences: http://www.unusualphobias.com/buttons.html

A couple years ago I tried to face my fear, so I drove to a clothing store 3 hours away (to avoid bad association with any of my favorite stores in case it went badly) and it's a good thing... I went in the store, and after about an hour I was able to put the shirt on, but barely got the first button done before I threw it on the floor and ran away.
Buttons are so disgusting to me that I don't even want to get help for my problem if it includes handling them.
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shimy182 said:
i have a ( kind of ) phobia from spotty things... like marks on giraffs backs.
i dont mind looking at them but it kind of gives me goose bumps thinking of them....


sorry :p
Gilly said:
What a bunch of freaks :/

i do wonder how people are capable of being so irrationally stupid sometimes.
OCD's, fear of the inanimate objects or pathetic animals, how weakminded can you get. fools
ChroniC said:
i do wonder how people are capable of being so irrationally stupid sometimes.
OCD's, fear of the inanimate objects, or pathetic animals, how weakminded can you get. fools

thats a bit narrowminded

some of those are genuine mental illnesses and could happen to anyone including you and your uber strong mind :p
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