Button Phobia

kitten_caboodle said:
lots of depression is caused by a chemical imbalance though, and that has to be controlled with drugs.

Source? Id like to see some evidence that most people depressions are cause lifes getting them down, and if it went there way, they'd be happy?
Nowadays its easier to prescribe than solve the cause.

example, a friend of mine used to take antidepressants because he was picked on in school. Go figure
you may find THIS quite interesting.

There is a tendancy in this country to lean towards prescribing drugs rather than find the source of the issue - i agree with you totally there, but there are cases that have basis in mental illness..and they need some kind of chemical assistance to help them have the clarity to see through their issues.

You seem to have a very black and white attitude to it, and unfortunately, it's just not like that in the real world. Just because you are obviously strong enough to cope, doesn't mean everyone is, and they shouldn't be ridiculed, or put down because of that. Be glad you're strong :)
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Very weird phobia but there are endless numbers of them out there and all are actually quite common it just varies as to how badly affected people are by them.
my friend was scared of buttons but she swallowed one as a child and nearly choked, so i guess that was a more rational fear than a phobia. All her clothes had massive chunky buttons on. Shouldn't laugh but now I think of it seems quite funny.
i hated buttons as a kid i couldnt stand them the way the felt made me feel ill...weird hey? When I was about 14 though it kind of stopped im ok with them now for some reason!
I kno a girl whos scared of little fish, like the ones you can get for a starter in a restaurant (forgot what theyre called), she screams and runs away if i go near her with one in my hand :D
Her sister is exactly the same aswell
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