Button Phobia

ChroniC said:
i do wonder how people are capable of being so irrationally stupid sometimes.
OCD's, fear of the inanimate objects or pathetic animals, how weakminded can you get. fools

The key word there is irrationally - you can hardly call them stupid for that :rolleyes:

ChroniC said:
i do wonder how people are capable of being so irrationally stupid sometimes.
OCD's, fear of the inanimate objects or pathetic animals, how weakminded can you get. fools

Seems to me you have a phobia of people with phobia's. You freak. ;)
I know a girl who has a bag fetish, particularly the crisp, crinkly ones from Tescos.

...but thats another story. Still....a worthy candidate for the "weird nutters" thread.
This is very strange.

I can't understand how some one could have a phobia to buttons?

Well, any phobia is horrible i suppose.

- denic
denic2k6 said:
I can't understand how some one could have a phobia to buttons?

By definition a phobia is irrational. If you can understand it, then it's not a phobia, and more just a regular fear.

Now, my fear of snails makes no freaking sense, and I would thus say it is a phobia.
MoNkeE said:
The key word there is irrationally - you can hardly call them stupid for that :rolleyes:


Cause you can call them stupid for it, irrational meaning worthless and unnecessary. Seriously, heights or scarey animals i could understand as a instinctive reaction, but a button, or having to flick a light switch. Smacks to me of people having to much time to obsess, rather than do something constructive with there lives.

OCDs annoy me just as much, achieve nothing but peice of mind, so basically the same. If you cant control your own brain, who the hells in charge?
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Erm, dude, they can't help it.

It's funny sometimes, yeah, like the buttons - but having a faulty connection in your brain isn't stupidity, and is no more their fault than someone with a club foot or colour-blindness.

I feel very sorry for people with OCD - it takes over their lives.
sara said:
Erm, dude, they can't help it.

It's funny sometimes, yeah, like the buttons - but having a faulty connection in your brain isn't stupidity, and is no more their fault than someone with a club foot or colour-blindness.

I feel very sorry for people with OCD - it takes over their lives.

Find me something that say OCD are caused by disease? and i will apologise
ChroniC said:
Cause you can call them stupid for it, irrational meaning worthless and unnecessary. Seriously, heights or scarey animals i could understand as a instinctive reaction, but a button, or having to flick a light switch. Smacks to me of people having to much time to obsess, rather than do something constructive with there lives.

OCDs annoy me just as much, achieve nothing but peice of mind, so basically the same.

Wow. You sound like a really kind, sensitive, understanding sort of guy. I bet you'd make a great counsellor.

Irrational does not mean worthless or unnecessary. Furthmore, scary animals are not feared out of instinct, but as a result of learning. The only two natural fears are loud noises and falling.

It's also a bit unfair to label OCD in that sort of way.

I'm not sure you've got anything constructive to add to this discussion, but as this isn't SC you'll likely get away with talking garbage.
vonhelmet said:
Wow. You sound like a really kind, sensitive, understanding sort of guy. I bet you'd make a great counsellor.

Irrational does not mean worthless or unnecessary. Furthmore, scary animals are not feared out of instinct, but as a result of learning. The only two natural fears are loud noises and falling.

It's also a bit unfair to label OCD in that sort of way.

I'm not sure you've got anything constructive to add to this discussion, but as this isn't SC you'll likely get away with talking garbage.

ok ok, il say sorry as i dont want to come across like that, i just think people need to gain a bit of self control where these two so called illnesses are concerned.

Its not like you go to africa and get OCD disease, my understanding must be very wrong if this is the case.
Maybe if your life has gone into meltdown, half your family dies, you lose everything and end up in a mental home then fair play if you have ocds, but half the people that go to my uni think they have it.
I swear its just cracking under pressure and then not being able to look after yourself.
I blame society today, not tough enough on children. :D
vonhelmet said:

Ok i apologise to cases with this, but i dont believe this is true for most. Im very synical :)

The majority of researchers believe that there is some type of abnormality in the neurotransmitter serotonin, among other possible psychological or biological abnormalities; however, it is possible that this activity is the brain's response to OCD, and not its cause.

this interest me, your brains response to itself. Having a response to something that wasnt there in the first place, might indicate we can control more of our insides than we know? Obviously to the point of self distruct.
Would also explain why behavioural treament can solve it without perscription, and that perscription used are unneccessary placebos.
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ChroniC said:
Ok i apologise to cases with this, but i dont believe this is true for most. Im very synical :)

this interest me, your brains response to itself. Having a response to something that wasnt there in the first place, might indicate we can control more of our insides than we know? Obviously to the point of self distruct.
Would also explain why behavioural treament can solve it without perscription, and that perscription used are unneccessary placebos.

I'm scared of you, is that irrational? :p
Hvaing looked into it a bit more, it seems scientist think it cause by a lack of serotonin, which could possibly be true. A friend says he has it, and he has done to many Class-A's in his time, so lacking serotonin.
Depressed people would also get this, but cause of depression can be solved at the cause, not by brain malfunction, and should rarely ever be solved by drugs

So inturn i was kinda right, its the result of yourself.
ChroniC said:
Hvaing looked into it a bit more, it seems scientist think it cause by a lack of serotonin, which could possibly be true. A friend says he has it, and he has done to many Class-A's in his time, so lacking serotonin.
Depressed people would also get this, but cause of depression can be solved at the causein your life not by brain malfunction, and should rarely ever be solved by drugs

So inturn i was kinda right, its the result of yourself.

lots of depression is caused by a chemical imbalance though, and that has to be controlled with drugs.
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