Buyers beware. Micro SD card scams.

I'm not saying this is the case, however you need to at least consider that you might not be the first person to report a fake and be given that spiel by the seller. I mean think about it, look how quickly he turned you around.

Again, that may not actually be the case but..

I've not spoke to eBay about removing the negative feedback I have left just yet. Was going to sort it on Tuesday.

But the thought did cross my mind, hence me asking the question about other people's thoughts. :)
Sounds like a genuine chap to me, ebay resellers get burnt too and it sounds like he has been.

Personally I would rather give someone like this benefit of the doubt and be wrong, than screw them for a genuine mistake that has already cost them. As I would hope others would treat me were I the one making the mistake...
It's an accurate reflection of your purchase, don't feel bad about it - you did everything you're supposed to (besides buying not memory from reputable places).

I've left the negative feedback how it is. I feel it was justifiable, and will make others more wary when it come to buying removable storage. :)
Had a similar experience.

Card was unable to format in my camera bit worked on PC and phone. Then read the spiel on the card and picked up a couple of errors.

Then did a speed test which was way off. Then ascertained that Samsung SD cards have a white edging whilst this was black.

Sent a message to seller. Return was accepted in a couple of hours. Will also leave negative feedback
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