K processors are probably a small sector, or at least retail. Upgraders even less. Most production goes to OEM builders I believe.
OEM and business most likely who replace things when the warranty expires.
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K processors are probably a small sector, or at least retail. Upgraders even less. Most production goes to OEM builders I believe.
If the trend continues kaby lake will also be a dud and it'll be everyone looking to whatever is after that.
Thanks guys.
I have cancelled the order. Too much money for minimal gain for 1080p gaming. I'll definitely upgrade to either Kaby or cannon lake though and then swap my 970 for a 1080Ti when it's out. That will be a banging gaming rig.
Any of you fine people have any idea of what will be out first, cannonlake or the 1080Ti?
.Sandy K chips must be among the best ever made.
See it this way. Companies like Intel can't survive if everyone buy sensible. They count on people's 'must have the latest' to make their profit. If half of us only buy 2nd hand or previous generation, they'll soon be out of business
people keep spouting DX12 will help yes it might if it is actually used across the gaming platform and look at what games are using itliterally none.
also if you check the wiki list for dx12 games you will see there isnt even that many being made either currently.big games takes atleast 2-3 years to be made and if they arent being made now you may aswell just assume its a waste of time.
i think it will end up superseded long before anything of merit happens . bit like dx10.