Bye bye MG....

Unlucky, but at least for once it isn't your fault :p

Always look on the bright side and that... So ZT V8 next?

Ta El :p

I dunno....I remember before when test driving everything there was always something I didn't like about whatever I drove.

And the thing is I was FAR from bored with my car, I really had no desire to get anything else at maybe I'll get another as they are loads of fun plus I can fit my manifolds and decat (probs need a new catback and backbox) oh and my induction and if needed, engine which seems to be a very good one (dyno'd at 201bhp recently)

We'll see what the end result is once I've got it back and broken it for parts etc and consider my options and go from there....even though I'm pretty sensible, personally I don't think I'm ready for RWD.

200sx would be nice though :p - We'll see :) :(
Can a mod please remove Wicksta's posts and my posts relating to them? Thanks.

Why? As far as I know I haven't broken any rules. That car had driveshafts pop out it was so bent and adjustable suspension components to compensate for a bent chassis. I am kind of glad it's off the road for yours and other's sake. If you didn't like my opinion you could have just ignored it or RTM'd it rather than turn it into a discussion piece.

Anyway, like I said I'm glad you are ok and let's get back on topic. Maybe you should book a doctors appointment for your neck.
gonna claim for whiplash etc (why the hell not)

Now why doesn't that suprise me :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Love the etc, as if you are trying to find as many things to claim for as possible. Don't forget to tell the insurers you had a priceless ming vase in the boot or something :rolleyes:

If you've genuinelly got some sort of medical issue that causes loss of earnings then go ahead and claim for out of pocket expenses as is your right. But you've already decided to claim for 'whiplash etc' even though all you've so far is the same stiff neck everyone has after a bump? Sigh. You've not even been to a doctor yet but you already know a claim is going in for a condition you've not even been diagnosed with yet :(
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Why? As far as I know I haven't broken any rules. That car had driveshafts pop out it was so bent and adjustable suspension components to compensate for a bent chassis. I am kind of glad it's off the road for yours and other's sake. If you didn't like my opinion you could have just ignored it or RTM'd it rather than turn it into a discussion piece.

Anyway, like I said I'm glad you are ok and let's get back on topic. Maybe you should book a doctors appointment for your neck.

Why don't you get your facts straight? it was off the road for months whilst I did a lot of work to it (cambelts etc) and included having the car jigged, it wasn't bent anymore.
[TW]Fox;15160097 said:
Now why doesn't that suprise me :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Love the etc, as if you are trying to find as many things to claim for as possible. Don't forget to tell the insurers you had a priceless ming vase in the boot or something :rolleyes:

If you've genuinelly got some sort of medical issue that causes loss of earnings then go ahead and claim for out of pocket expenses as is your right. But you've already decided to claim for 'whiplash etc' even though all you've so far is the same stiff neck everyone has after a bump? Sigh.

I'll claim for whiplash, if I get it. I've had it before and know what it feels like so I'll soon know if I have it again. Can't think of anything else I can claim for to be honest so stop fretting and put your handbag down :p

And I'll be going to the doctors tomorrow, mainly to shut a few family members up!
Why don't you get your facts straight? it was off the road for months whilst I did a lot of work to it (cambelts etc) and included having the car jigged, it wasn't bent anymore.

You said that it wasn't bent many times before it was finally allegedly jigged. That and some of your other threads make me a bit cynical about what you post. Even your "I'm gonna claim for whiplash (why the hell not)" post before you've even had a doctor look at you says I'm probably right to take everything you say with a pinch of salt, sorry. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
How can you claim for whiplash when you're out of work? Whole point of compensation is loss of earnings. I'm sorry but I don't agree with 'compo culture'. It costs us all more money in the end
You said that it wasn't bent many times before it was allegedly jigged. That and some of your other threads make me a bit cynical about what you post. Even your "I'm gonna claim for whiplash (why the hell not)" post before you've even had a doctor look at you says I'm probably right to take everything you say with a pinch of salt, sorry. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?

Take what you like with a pinch of salt. That car was jigged dead straight and has been for about 6 weeks now :) (well until earlier :p)

I honestly couldn't careless, I don't need to prove or disprove anything to you - I know the car was straight and thats the end of it :)
Take what you like with a pinch of salt. That car was jigged dead straight and has been for about 6 weeks now :) (well until earlier :p)

I honestly couldn't careless, I don't need to prove or disprove anything to you - I know the car was straight and thats the end of it :)

The weird thing is that every time in the past year somebody has said about the car being bent you've always 'just had it jigged'. It must have been jigged about 6 times now going by what you've said on here :eek:
How can you claim for whiplash when you're out of work? Whole point of compensation is loss of earnings. I'm sorry but I don't agree with 'compo culture'. It costs us all more money in the end

I'm due to start my new job monday.....joys....lets see what the doctors say first. And I don't agree with the comp culture either (anyone remember me going mental when my mate was trying to claim off my Astra accident so he could buy stuff for his car?!) But if it does genuinely hurt me then I'll do something about it.
Oh dear, it appears that the can containing worms has had it's lid removed... :p
[TW]Fox;15160097 said:
Don't forget to tell the insurers you had a priceless ming vase in the boot or something
OT: A friend of mine managed to claim for an orange that got squashed that was in his pocket at the time, when he was hit off his motorbike... :D
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